Liberals See Evil Plots Around Every Corner

Last year I wrote:

listen to liberals calling in to talk shows about the problems facing our nation, and inevitably, most liberals identify the problems facing us today as conspiracies perpetrated by Big Oil, Wall Street, Big Business, etc. In fact, it's always a plot. Once you really press a liberal, they always fall back on the fact that the reason why things are not working is that there is some group out there with nefarious ends. It's not the fact that their policies fail, it's always that there is some mysterious group out there trying to screw us over. To a liberal, there is no cause and effect, there is no reason, there is no logic- there is only some evil mechanisms going on in the background.
Think about what is going on today, a year later, with this debate about health care, energy, spending, debt, nationalizing of businesses, etc. Listen to the rhetoric of the Democrats- when pressed, they see an evil plot around every corner. It's the KKK, it's fascists, it's astroturf, it's a plot by the insurance companies, it's a ploy by the Republican Party, etc. Democrats are unable to face the fact that their ideas stink, that there policies hurt society, and that they are wrong, so they instead see evil everywhere in the world but in themselves.

Yesterday I talked to a dozen supporters of Obamacare, and all of them showed this impulse to see evil plots everywhere in the world- they would ask me who was paying me (no one), they accused me of being racist (I'm not), they said I was just a tool for insurance companies (nope)- they tried a dozen different ways to pretend I was just a conspiracy, and never tried to talk about history, economics, principles, morals, ethics, or all the other things that really matter in any public policy debate.

The modern day Democratic Party, especially the far left version that people are actually putting in power when the vote Democrat, has an ideology- I discussed this before in The Religion of the Democrats. If you really want to understand why Democrats always see evil plots around every corner, I suggest you read that post.

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