Some Say Rhee Hires New Teachers Despite Budget Shortfall

I have received emails confirming sightings of new 'teacher hires' beginning the second week of November, only a month after the notices of layoffs were given to 388 DC teachers and school staff. This is pretty darn amazing given the budget pressures that DC public schools is reportedly faced with. Ever wonder why Chancellor Rhee has yet to implement a freeze on hiring and spending practices given the twenty million dollar deficit DC schools is up against ? Well let me make an educated guess why this administration continues to spend willy nilly. Perhaps Rhee does not want to freeze spending so that she can continue to hire staff on the DL (down-low) to replace teachers who were unfairly laid off.

Not only have there been sightings of new teacher  hires in local DC public schools but unnamed sources report that new hires have been spotted at the DCPS central office personnel department as well. Shortly after teacher and staff layoffs, copies of an October 19 email from Morgan Gieseke, a Teach DC recruiter in the Office of The Chancellor (OOC) circulated to perspective 2009-10 DCPS teacher applicants stating the following:

If you are still interested in teaching for DCPS during the 2009-2010 school year, please let me know. We will resume the selection process next week and will only contact you if you have indicated to me that you would like to remain in the pool of applicants. If you would like to only be considered for 2010-2011 vacancies, please withdraw your application and reapply in January. If you have already found a position with DCPS and we have sent you this email in error, please submit your school information. Your response is requested by Wednesday, October 21st. If you have any questions, please let me know. DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL. Please click on the following link to complete the two minute survey: 

Here's what my sources are saying about the status of new teacher hires:

Dear Candi: 
"There are 25 new teaching fellows that were hired on Monday, November 9, 2009. These teaching fellows rotate to different schools daily and weekly doing their student teaching. They are being paid. They officially start teaching in classrooms beginning January 2010."
-Name deleted to protect confidentiality

Posted by The Washington Teacher featuring Candi Peterson, blogger in residence

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