The US is Bankrupt

"The dirty little secret is: the world has no money and the emperor has no clothes."

The United States is Insolvent. The United States is bankrupt. We are witnessing before our very eyes the death spiral of the modern day nation state. And an entire party in America, the engine that drives the world, keeps on insisting that we raise taxes, regulate businesses, spend more taxpayer money, and spend even more taxpayer money that it doesn't even have.

The phrase "The Emperor has no clothes" comes from "The Emperor's New Clothes", a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen. In it, an Emperor who cares for nothing but his wardrobe hires two weavers who promise him the finest suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "just hopelessly stupid". The Emperor cannot see the cloth himself, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position or stupid; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they dress him in mime and the Emperor then marches in procession before his subjects. A child in the crowd calls out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but holds himself up proudly and continues the procession.

In America, we have people (almost all Democrats, some moderate Republicans, and all the idiots who vote for them) who care for nothing but a larger and larger government. They have listened to fools like Keynes and Marx and Stalin and Mao who pushed largely discredited theories and adopted the policies that these people suggested. And things got worse. But they are unable to pull back- they are already intellectually committed to the charade, to the idea that massive government run everything will solve all the problems of the world, and as things get worse (the unemployment rate went UP last month again), all they can do is keep pretending. Everyone is invested in the great lie, the great charade, the great myth, and the as the deficits go up and the debt piles up, everyone simply pretends that it is invisible. But, it is a lie. Debt and deficits matter. Government borrowing and spending crowds out private spending and borrowing. Government charity crowds out private charity. And government is inefficient and uses force to do what it does.

The Democrats may keep shrilly shouting, and keep proudly marching, but they know- they know in their boots that that the United States has been driven to bankruptcy by their ideas, by their policies, by them. They are unable to go back, and are unable to reform- reform or pulling back will be like looking down and seeing how naked they really are. No, the only open is to march faster ahead, and pretend like debt and deficits don't matter, that they aren't bankrupting our nation and our children's nation and our grandchildren's nation, that they aren't destroying the moral fabric of our society, that they aren't making the quality of life less, that they aren't making people feel less and less satisfied about the direction of our nation. There is no going back now, and they know it.

Do you?

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