Liberal Teachers Openly Mock Students Who Enlisted

Via First Things, I was disgusted to read about two crazed anti-American teachers held anti-war signs during a high school assembly honoring 6 students who signed up to join the military. FOX Nation links to video here.WBZTV reported:

Two teachers at Dennis Yarmouth Regional High School have touched off a firestorm after holding up an “End War” sign at a school assembly where six students who’ve enlisted in the military were being honored. Many in the community say the teachers crossed a line and treated their own students with disrespect. The students received a standing ovation, but at that point the two teachers sat down refusing to clap. Teacher Marybeth Verani defends her protest saying, “I’m showing students in a democracy how to exercise dissent.” Some students responded by leafleting her classroom with signs saying “Support Our Troops.”

Students say Marybeth Verani talks frequently about her political views, and choosing this public forum now has principal Ken Jenks taking a closer look. "I think there's a sincere interest in fostering that dialogue, but I think the classroom is a better environment," said Jenks. Whether there will be disciplinary action he's not prepared to say, but is "weighing his options." Marybeth Verani says her protest was not a personal attack on the students and their choice to join the military. "It was just to show another point of view," she said, and she welcomed the signs outside her classroom as a way to open dialogue.

This teacher is a sad example of the type of liberal teachers that I've run into many times in education. She says that it is okay to put signs outside her classroom- but note that she said 'outside', and not inside, because she would not welcome someone else holding up a sign in her room. And yet she has no problem at all holding signs up in rooms not her own (in this case at the ceremony honoring those young students pledging to do their best to defend our lives, liberties, and properties from enemies within and without). This is exactly the type of hypocrisy to which marks liberals. The thing is, this teacher is a liar- she was not trying to start up a conversation on an issue, but to attempt to force their views on others (through the pitiful method of raising a sign). I've written about this before- see my post There is No Debate with the Left- My Confrontation with Mr. Liberal History Teacher.

For some reason, liberal teachers like to focus on signs- they are a way for a liberal teacher to tell you something that they feel or believe, but yet not receive any sort of feedback. I had a confrontation once with another teacher about a sign in my room- see my post Tear Down that Poster- It has Christianity on It.

This liberal teacher frequently talks about her political views in the classroom- note though that students did not say that the teacher frequently brings up both sides of issues and has students think critically about them, but rather that the teacher spends time in her class every day impressing her views on a captive audience rather than teaching them whatever subject it is that she teaches. I've seen this before- see my post Watching a Liberal Teacher Indoctrinate Youth. This liberal teacher is a bad teacher.

This liberal teacher made a judgement that the appropriate forum to start up a dialogue about the nature of war was at a school assembly, and that the best way to begin this 'discussion' was to hold up signs. This leads me to question other judgement calls that these teachers make daily in their classrooms. It is logical to assume that if they have such poor judgement in this case, there are likely many other cases where they have exercised bad judgement.

These teachers should be fired for their poor judgement, poor teaching, hypocrisy, and insulting disrespectful behavior.

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