What do Democrats do When Neither the Facts nor the Law is on Their Side?

Someone once told me a story about how they had a professor in law school who taught trial practice, and he would tell the same story to his students every year. The professor would say "When the facts are on your side, you hammer the facts to the jury. When the law is on your side, then you hammer the law to the jury. And if you have neither the facts nor the law on your side... that's when you put your opponent on trial."

This election, the facts are that over the last two years, a lot of stuff went on in Congress. Legislation was passed and your legislator, be in Congressman or Senator, voted on that legislation (or pulled an Obama and just voted present). Our President appointed czars and issued executive orders, and virtually no oversight or due diligence was performed by Congress, and your Congressman was either party to that or not. Our economy continued to collapse and the foundations of our nation continued to crumble, and your legislator either tried everything to reverse that or focused their attention on other issues. The facts are there, available for everyone to see and read about.

The laws of our country are written down, supremely in the form of the Constitution of the United States of America. Either your Congressman believes in that document and believes in that social contract and believes in the principles and beliefs which it enshrines, or they don't. The laws of our nation have been toiled over for many years, and after great efforts and pains laws have been created to govern ethics, bankruptcy, fraud, pay, and many other issues, and your Congressman either respects the law in our nation, or he respects the rule of men and personal power and supported or encouraged the eroding of laws in our nation and the rise in gangster government that we have witnessed.

But if the facts are not on your side, and the law is not on your side, then you are likely a Democrat, and this election you will probably stoop to just attacking your opponent, making them defend themselves from your various charges, while you are free from the facts, the law, the truth, or human decency. If you are a Democrat in this election, the name of the game is make stuff up, use the massive amounts of campaign funding that you are getting from connected political groups in society to run commercial after commercial with your made up garbage, and then once it is proven false or without merit, you move on to yet another attack of similar nature. The American people may very well be fooled by this sort of games, and you may just fool them long enough to win another term of office, and then continue your quest to destroy our great nation.

Suggested book to read related to this post: Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies: Issue by Issue Responses to the Most Common Claims of the Left from A to Z

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