California Continues War on Freedom: Now Proposes to Ban Circumcision

Recently I wrote in San Francisco Passes Ban on Toys and Happiness:

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently approved a preliminary ban on toys in McDonald's Happy Meals, although the decision still needs to pass a final vote. This echo's an earlier decision in California’s Santa Clara County, which also passed a similar Happy Meals toy ban ordinance. And don't look now, but the Center for Science in the Public Interest wants the ban on toys and happiness for children to go national- it is going to sue McDonald's to force it to end its practice of throwing in a free toy along with an order of fries and Chicken McNuggets....

....Liberals in California and potential liberals in the court system believe that if you are left to freely decide on your own what to feed your child, you will make the wrong decisions because you are an idiot. You are not free to decide what to feed your children and your child is not free to enjoy happiness and a toy unless they eat their vegetables. Oh, we've all been there- threatening little Timmy or Amy to eat their vegetables or no toys, but I bet you never figured that someday you wouldn't have to say this, because if little Timmy or Amy didn't eat their vegetables the police would beat them down and steal their toys. The nanny state continues to get bigger and bigger, as people in California vote against a limited government that is restricted to protecting life, liberty, and property rights, and instead empower an all-powerful government to rule your life and control your children, all in the name of some sort of morality or fairness or something. It's creepy and predatory, and it warrants an injunction, and that injunction will be the American people standing up and saying "come and get me, and pry this McDonald's toy out of my cold dead hand if you can." ....
Well, it doesn't stop with this for liberals. Not content to control what you choose to feed your child, liberals in San Francisco could soon put a measure on the ballot banning circumcision, reports CBS San Francisco, and it will likely pass because it meets the liberals main criteria of 'control other peoples' behavior.' The ballot measure that would make it a “misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of a person under 18.

Now, whatever your views as parents are regarding circumcising your son (and we did extensive research before having our 5 boys circumcised), it is clear that the decision is yours and not the state's to make. People circumcise their children for many reasons- health and religion chief among them- and for the government to come in and punish parents or doctors who perform this surgery because some liberal doesn't like it speaks again to the tyranny that government increasingly engages in, where it is now the greatest threat to your life, liberty, and property.

This is not the first or last time in the last year that California has proposed or considered banning human liberty and freedom just because some do-goody fascists controlled government power and used it to coerce others into obeying their unjust commands. Whether it is outlawing Happy Meals, banning male circumcision, or outlawing bacon-wrapped hog dogs, the government of California is out of control. Instead of doing a few things right and doing them well and under budget, California's government, run by liberals and Democrats, is now a bankrupt sprawling Leviathan that threatens the citizens of that once great state increasingly.

In Government Thugs vs Bacon-Wrapped Hot Dog Vendors I wrote:
...In what is only to become more common with the passage of legislation giving more government power over controlling the health care and energy industries, the video shows how public officials paid for by citizen taxpayer dollars spend their time going around Los Angeles seizing bacon-wrapped hot dogs...

...Yes, amid the hustle and bustle of downtown Los Angeles, there exists an underground world of illicit trade in bacon-wrapped hot dogs. The Department of Health has made it illegal to sell a hot dog wrapped in bacon, and if they catch any street vendors doing so, they will use their police powers to hassle these private businesses, shut them down, seize their goods, or even destroy their businesses....

...A government bureaucrat, supported by no data at all, feels personally that bacon-wrapped hot dogs are not safe, and put in a rule that makes it illegal to sell them. Apparently he feels he is the business of stopping people from doing what they want because he doesn't agree with it- sounds like more government officials in the business of tyranny....

....Be prepared for more of this- is your home or business going to be up to the new Green Codes or the new Health Codes that government officials come up with every day? With Democrats in office, you really need to ask yourself- are you really living in a free country any more?...

...Democrats, liberals, and Obama are only about one thing- controlling your life. Now they are even trying to control what you eat! Will the attacks on property, liberty, and life never end?...
If I'm wrong, how come I'm so right so often?  Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto

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