Is FitFu for you?

Just laughing at the thought of teachers everywhere flexing their buns and doing calf raises behind their desks when I came across the TechCrunch article about FitFu, the app that wants to get you moving behind your desk.

The founders of crunch-fu and several other apps and working to help people fit extra movement into their day. It is so important to GET MOVING however you do it. Not sure if the social aspect will motivate people -- it could. If it does, great.

AS you may know, the Couch to 5K app has helped transform me into one who can run and become more fit, but one thing I know -- good old fashioned sweat is what helps one get in shape.

As my grandma used to say

"mebbee so, mebbe not"

Guess we'll see. Meanwhile, we'll keep our eyes peeled and anything that helps us get more fit is great.
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