The Blue Voice Attacks Conservative Judges with Stupidity and Incivility: Why Does Obama Read that Blog?

Now that far-left liberals and the party that they have seized control over (Democrats) have lost the debate on a whole range of issues- spending, taxes, tax cuts, national defense, morality, family values, the economy, etc- they are starting to play small ball and attack on smaller issues, issues that they feel they can gain political traction on and distract voters from the reality of the situation. They're hoping that by going after little issues they can stop people from voting them out of office because their policies- Democrats have controlled our legislative branch since 2007 and the executive branch since 2009 and it is now 2011- have set in place a new normal of high taxes, high regulation, low job growth, low economic economic growth, bitter partisan politics, decreased national security, and loss of face around the world.

One of these small ball little issues that the Democrats are hoping to gain traction on is making Clarence Thomas into a bad guy. They're hoping that if they can make an influential intellectual and moral giant of the opposition into a 'bad guy', it will help them, since liberals and their Democratic allies build only by tearing down (strip rich people of money to build up the poor, make other nations feel better by lessening our power, giving healthcare to others by taking money from others, etc).

One influential blog on the left is a blog called The Blue Voice, and it is a good representation on the kind of stupidity and incivility that increasingly characterizes the left, liberal, and Democratic side of our nation- a side which does not represent the majority or even a large portion of voters views in our nation. Reputably, President Barack Obama reads this blog for ideas and advice on how to run our nation- as if we needed any more evidence of his unfitness for office. You see, The Blue Voice is of such low intellectual and moral value that few should willingly read it.

From a post called Why don't the Democrats demand impeachment hearings on Justice Clarence Thomas?:

Rightwing Republican Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia have both been involved in partisan activities of a kind that, to put it mildly, is highly questionable for a Justice of the highest court in the US. Both Thomas and Scalia voted for the majority decisions in Bush v. Gore (2000) and Citizen's United (2010), two of the worst decisions in being destructive to democratic government that the Supreme Court has ever made.

The Democrats no longer have a majority in the House, which would have to make an impeachment vote. But the Dems can certainly use a push for impeachment hearings against Thomas and/or Scalia to raise a stick about the crass partisanship of those Republican Justices.
Let's pause here and see what we see. As evidence for Thomas and Scalia's 'highly questionable' partisan activities, they voted in favor of two court cases the left does not like. Quick history recap.

Bush v Gore: the Court ruled that the Florida Supreme Court's method for recounting ballots was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and that no alternative method could be established within the time limits set by the State of Florida. Three concurring justices also went father and asserted that the Florida Supreme Court had violated Article II, § 1, cl. 2 of the Constitution, by misinterpreting Florida election law that had been enacted by the Florida Legislature. The decision allowed Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's previous certification of George W. Bush as the winner of Florida's electoral votes to stand. The left does not like this decision because they don't like equal protection, the Constitution, the law, democracy, and George Bush.

Citizens United v Federal Election Commission: The Supreme Court ruled that corporate funding of independent political broadcasts (such as a non-profit group airing a film critical of those who it opposes) cannot be limited under the First Amendment. This is not liked by the left (and Obama, who is a tool of the left), because they want to be able to silence speech of those who they disagree with (except terrorists, who they feel have the right to say whatever they want). Starting in 2002, for-profit and not-for-profit corporations and unions were not allowed to broadcast “electioneering communications,” but now these groups can once again fully engage in the political process and contribute their voice to the political debate.

The Blue Voice calls these two decisions "the worst decisions in being destructive to democratic government that the Supreme Court has ever made"- one decision which upheld the 14th amendment and the constitution and the other which upheld the 1st amendment. In The Blue Voice's world (and Obama's world, if you give him another term and elect Democrats at any level to help him), counties should be able to selectively recount ballots using whatever system of counting they want until they get the winner they want and corporations and unions should not be allowed to broadcast their views on candidates even if these corporations and businesses feel that these politicians views will be damaging or destructive to them. I would contend that the views supported and argued by The Blue Voice are a lot more destructive to a democratic government, unless The Blue Voice made a typo and meant to write "Democratic government", in which case they are right, those two decisions did damage a Democratic government in favor of supporting a democratic government.

The Blue Voice feels that voting for two court cases that the majority passed are on the level of 'high crimes and misdemeanors' enough to initiate impeachment cases against these two justices, and that now that they don't really have to do it, now is the perfect time. When the Democrats actually ran the House and had to be on record, they would never have considered even thinking the silly thoughts The Blue Dog advocates, but now that they have been thrown out of power by voters, they are encouraged to go off the deep end and think all sort of silly thoughts and fantasies. It is surprising to me that voters would support that kind of 'work' by returning them to power in 2012 or by voting for politicians that survived the beat-down of 2010 (like Gary Peters).

The Blue Voice pretends that it is the right that is being divisive and uncivil and partisan, but if you read blog posts like this one, you'll walk away with a different impression entirely. The Blue Voice speaks with stupidity and incivility, and if this is the kind of thoughts and ideas and discussion that the liberal left that controls the Democratic party is engaged in, it is even more evidence that voters should not vote Democrat at any level in 2012.

UPDATE: Looks like I was in on the game plan earlier than most- there are major stories now on this larger attack on conservative justices by liberals- memeorandum has a link here and yahoo has a link here.

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