Why Obama in 2012? Is it his views, or his policies?

Over the weekend I was talking with some of my friends and relatives who support Obama in 2012, and what struck me about these conversations was the stunning inconsistency that these supporters of Obama demonstrated. They stated that they don't really like Obama's associations with terrorists, his views on race, his anti-Semitism, his contribution to divisive rhetoric, his cold and aloof manner, his extreme vanity, his thin-skinned nature, or the way that he lectures us; but yet they say that they support Obama because 'he is a good guy who I like.' These Obama supporters stated that they like the direction that Obama is taking our nation, but when pressed on a range of real policies, they said that they don't really like the massive amounts of debt that Obama has added, the fact that unemployment rates have settled at a new normal under Obama of 10%, the reality of the housing market which still has not hit bottom, they are sick of paying his prices at the pump because of his anti-drilling policies, and think that Obamacare was a noble and grand attempt but will be a huge policy disaster.

My conversations with Obama supporters led me to believe that they like Obama because of his views and policies, but in reality don't really like his views and policies. It is a weird disconnect that I can't figure out.

UPDATE: All things considered though, if no one actually runs against Obama, it won't really matter in 2012. I just read that Mitch Daniels told supporters in a midnight email early Sunday that he is opting against a 2012 presidential run. Daniels had slowly emerged as my alternative to an un-apologetic-about-healthcare-reform Romney, but now I have to go back to the drawing board. Quick, liberals and Democrats, make me feel comfortable about voting for someone with no experience like Hermain Cain- myself, I like to see accomplishments, but obviously if BamBam can get elected, any rube off the street can be dug up and thrown in White House.

UPDATE II: Via Transterrestial Musings:

The Obama administration reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Homer changes his name to “Max Power” (he saw it on a hair dryer). He tells Bart that there are three ways to do something: the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way. “What’s the Max Power way?” It’s like the wrong way, but faster.
UPDATE III: The question remains- WHY OBAMA?

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