Did Sarah Palin Get a Boob Job? Latest Newsweek Cover Adds to Mystery?

The Washington Post begins a story on Sarah Palin's thoughts on the debt ceiling by discussing the latest picture of Sarah Palin in Newsweek this way:

As celebrity glamour shots go, Sarah Palin’s cover photo on this week’s Newsweek is danged good! The best-selling author and reality-TV star looks young and vibrant. Her devil-may-care countenance aided and abetted by the wind conspicuously blowing hair back. And while her outfit might be laid back, there’s no doubt she’s in total control.
The real question though is- are they real? That's right- let's all reduce a real women to her superficial characteristics and analyze her at the most superficial levels as possible- I mean, that's how the main stream media covered Obama right- reduced him to the color of his skin and whether he looked clean and did no further research into his background or qualifications.
This is sarcasm, of course- Sarah Palin is on the cover of Newsweek again because she is a person of consequence who, whether you agree with her or not, is one of the most dynamic political figures in America today. She reminds me a little of Andrew Jackson, who burst on the scene as a back country fighter who scared the established political classes because he spoke the truth and didn't hold back. Now, I'm not saying she'll be as great as he was- I'm just saying that any analysis of her policies and ideas about government should not begin with any comments about whether or not she looks pretty.

Come on MSM- try to dig a little deeper into the issues and policies and backgrounds of the major political issues and characters of the day and perhaps people might read your stories.

For the record, Sidra said it best in Seinfeld.

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