Obama Official- We're Gonna Redistribute Wealth Even Knowing We're Not Allowed To

Today I'd like to draw your attention to a recent story that appeared in The Hill and talk about several of the alarming aspects of this story and what it says about the Obama Administration, the Democratic Party which supports this administration, and the people in our nation who continue to support Obama's policies.

The opening line of the story is this:

President Obama’s education reform efforts will address growing income inequality in the U.S., Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said Wednesday..
The United States Congress is empowered by the Constitution of the United States to regulate commerce, levy taxes, provide for the general welfare, and a range of other powers- but no where is the national government of the United States of America given the power to 'address income inequality in the U.S'. Oh, I know that addressing income inequality has been an issue in our nation for years- but even liberals used to argue that the reason for progressive taxation was that the 'rich' used the services of the U.S more and so should pay a larger percentage of their income or that anti-poverty programs were simply a helping hand up- never in our nation's history has an administration openly pushed for policies designed to simply take wealth from one group and give it to another group.

And the worst part about this administration's push for income redistribution is that it knows that the Constitution does not give this power to our federal government- or more specifically, Obama and his cronies know that it is not one of the enumerated powers given to Congress in Article I and there is no way that policies designed to redistribute wealth are necessary and proper for helping Congress to do its other enumerated powers. They know that what they are doing is unconstitutional and not allowed in our government- but being the tyrannical thugs they are they are going to do it anyway
Duncan’s comments are part of an effort by the administration to call attention to efforts by the president to take actions on the economy that do not require legislation from Congress.
Did you all catch that? The administration is going to purposefully make laws and policies from the executive branch, knowing that these laws and policies would not and could not and should not be passed by the branch of government in our nation given the authority and power to make those laws and policies. This is wrong and contrary to the way that a free and limited government of free men is supposed to be run.

Congress needs to immediately defund any agency or department or official who begins to exercise arbitrary power in our nation and act in a way that is unconstitutional and contrary to the law. Obama's czars and administration are setting down precedents that I don't want anyone to follow, from either party- that executive officials are and should be putting in place policies that our elected officials don't want and putting in place policies that are not authorized by our governing documents.

And the Supreme Court needs to step in and defend the founding principles our which our nation was based- separation of powers and checks and balances. Actions of the executive branch can also be checked by judicial review- and if Congress has not provided for authorization and funds for the Department of Education to engage in a policy of wealth redistribution through its college loan program (which was recently nationalized by the federal government), then any policies that the DOE acts on are unconstitutional and should be rejected and declared null and void.

Obama, his administration, his officials, his party, and anyone who supports him is destroying our Republic through actions such as these, and our nation needs to act swiftly and quickly or we will no longer be living in a nation where people's life, liberty, and property is protected by an impartial government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Instead, we'll be living in a tyranny, where people can be killed, their decisions and choices taken from them, and their property redistributed by unelected officials who do this because- to quote Obama- they can and they won.

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