USA Today Quiz to Help You Pick Next President

So, who would you choose to be President of the United States on just the issues? USA Today has put together this fast and neat quiz that could help you answer that question. It's not perfect- it is only 11 questions and so misses a lot of important issues- but in 10 minutes it'll give you a good indication of who you'd support. After you pick your answers, don't forget to slide the scales of importance.

In case anyone is curious, my first pick was Ron Paul, second was Rick Perry, and third was Mitt Romney. This wasn't a surprise to me- I've previously expressed my agreement with a lot of the positions of these candidates (see my post Rick Perry, The Next President: Analysis and Projections). For other reasons, I am not going to be supporting Ron Paul's bid (see my post Ron Paul- Drop Out of the Race), but Perry and Romney are both candidates that I have looked at for a while. Farther down my list were Bachmann and Santorum.

It was a surprise to me how low Newt was on my rankings (he was like 6th)- apparently, even though I am a Tea Party conservative and all the Tea Party conservatives like Newt. Oh, I am still going to strongly consider him- the poll was only 11 questions- but polls like this are interesting.

Also, it is notable how bad Romney's positions are on health care and global warming- on a lot of issues, I really liked Romney, but on those who important issues he has horrible positions. It is my hope that if he were to be elected President, a strongly right Congress would drive the debate on those two important issues and override Romney's positions.

Also, I really hope that Perry can figure out how to communicate better with the American people over the next month or two- I'm not sure if he is just getting bad advice or being managed poorly (as happened to Palin in 2008), but whatever it is, he needs to figure it out to be a legitimate candidate for me.

Take the quiz yourself, and I hope it helps you to better figure out who will support in the coming election.

UPDATE: Via Ace of Spades, I found another 'pick your candidate' game from ABC News. It also is only 11 questions, although I found the questions tougher and harder to answer. In this game, my first choice was Michelle Bachmann, followed by Rick Perry, and third was Ron Paul. I am not considering Bachmann because I think our President needs executive office experience, or at minimum leadership experience in the legislative branch, but I would like her to be a cabinet officer. Also, I really with that Perry would get his act together!

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