'The Growth of Inequality'

Reuben Abraham comments on the Inequality Business:

The fact is that gross inequality is generally bad news for both the wealthy and the poor and everyone in between. The question though is whether you can a perfectly equal society. I would say that's impossible, as witnessed by the failed experiments at doing so within the Soviet spheres of influence. So, if inequality is inevitable in society, especially with increasing economic growth, the question is what are the parameters beyond which it becomes unacceptable? The Economist addresses the issue in its current issue and I could not agree more with their take on it.
the Economist states:
Inequality is not inherently wrong—as long as three conditions are met: first, society as a whole is getting richer; second, there is a safety net for the very poor; and third, everybody, regardless of class, race, creed or sex, has an opportunity to climb up through the system.

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