Rick Snyder- Do Not Support in the Primary

Here in Michigan, the next big race is for Governor, and although I'm still debating between Hoekstra and Cox myself, one guy who I wish would take me off his mailing list is Republican Rick Snyder.

Snyder describes himself as a moderate Republican. 'Moderate' means that he supports using human embryos to create stem cells for medical research, he promotes gay marriage, and that he supports race and gender preferences, and (source: Free Press article). His ideas about government- 'sweeping government reform,' 'cultural transformation,' no concrete ideas- sound a lot like the inexperienced 'hope' and 'change' junk that is destroying our national government.

Snyder is a supporter of the moderate-wing of the Republican party- a quick search on (type in Snyder, Michigan, Ann Arbor, search all cycles) shows that Snyder supports guys like Joe Schwarz (knocked out in primary of '06 for being too liberal), Elizabeth Dole, and John McCain, and that he likes to give money to a PAC called "Its My Party Too PAC" (which supports socially progressive moderate candidates). Most of his donations at least have been to Republicans, although he has given Democrat John Dingell 3K.

To be fair, when I started writing this piece I had it titled "Blasting Rick Snyder" and was going to really tear into the guy, mostly based on some stuff I read at Michigan Taxes Too Much. But then I did a little research and moderated my view somewhat.

Snyder is inexperienced, and we know from our experience with Granholm and Obama that putting a novice in charge of the state does not work well. Snyder is a socially 'moderate', which means that he feels that the 'life' portion of 'life, liberty, and property' is optional- as if you can pick and choose what are natural rights given to us by God. Snyder's support for gay marriage and racial preferences also demonstrate that he is not in tune with voters on the issues, and I'm getting sick of politicians who talk about moderation but on the issues are liberal.

What Michigan needs is someone running our state who is experienced and does a good job with public policy- that means a much maligned 'insider' politician. We need someone who espouses conservative principles- the type of ideas and policies that led Michigan to success under Engler and the opposite of those ideas and policies that led Michigan to failure under Granholm. Finally, we need someone who is in step with voters on issues- not someone who glibly speaks of hope and change, but someone who can move our state in the right direction. And that person is not Rick Snyder.

UPDATE: Although I did not support Snyder in the primary and feel he is not a solid conservative Republican, he will make a considerably better Governor than Granholm and a way way way better Governor than the communist angry special-interest controlled Virg 'Job Killer' Bernero. So, consider everything I have said in the correct light- as bad as Rick is, Virg is a thousand times worse.

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