Movie Review: Thor

Last night I went out to see Thor. I don't get out to the movies a lot- to be honest, I find watching movies in a theatre with other people to be largely an annoying and costly experience, and even at this movie I had to tell the teenagers in front of me that I saw them texting on their cellphones one more time during the movie I would smash them into little pieces- but I am glad that I went and saw the movie Thor.

Thor had it all- good pacing, good characters, a good plot, and great special effects. I am surprised that it has not been getting better reveiws that it is getting- I couldn't find anything really missing from it, and not since perhaps the first Spiderman or the first X-Men  or the first Ironman have I seen a comic book based movie as well done.

The characters were all great- well rounded and human, even though many of them were in fact gods. The acting was superb, the actor who played Loki was naunced, and the guy who played Thor is definitely a chiseled looking guy. I especially liked the heavy Norse element in the movie- the guys were strong guys and the women looked good and it was all done in such a way that was believeable. The special effects were very well done- the scenery wasn't too cheesy and looked vauguly like something one would find in realms populated by gods. The fight scenes weren't overpowering and didn't seem like they relied on a sudden trip or chance or previous unrevealed skill in order for the good guys to win. Powerful sound as well.

If you are looking for a good movie to go to, one that will suck you in and help you forget about your troubles and leave you with dreams of hero's and gods and epic battles, then I recommend you go see the movie Thor.

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