Picture: The Result of Obama's Economic Policies

The graph demonstrates that Obama's economic policies, notably his massive stimulus spending bill and his other spending programs, have made our economy worse than even his worse-case projection said it would be. Let's buy the argument that Bush left Obama with a train-wreck of an economy- in that case, not only did Obama not 'fix' Bush's flaws (bottom graph), not only did he simply hold status quo from the 'awful' economy that Bush left him (the middle graph), but rather, Obama messed up our economy even worse (the more accurate top graph, which I still think understates how bad the economy is).

In fact, look at the data more closely- under Bush, the unemployment rate was in the mid 7's and projected to go as high as 9. But the introduction of the variable of 'President Barack Obama' pushed those numbers as high as the mid 10's- and locked in a 'new normal' of 9% unemployment.

Is that what all you Democrat and liberal voters voted for in 2008? A new normal of 9% unemployment??? Or is it 'Bush's fault' that the new normal of 9% unemployment is locked in in 2011, even though Democrats took control of Congress in 2006 and the Presidency in 2008? Both Reagan and W Bush were able to shorten the recessions that Democrats left them and return our nation back to prosperity quicker than Obama- perhaps Obama isn't the right guy for the job.

Look, Obama is a bad President, and likely will go down as one of the worst in our nation's history because of the damage that is doing to our nation in many ways. I suspect that Hillary Clinton would have been a lot better, and I know John McCain would have been better too- of course we would have had a recession, but it would have likely just been the middle line, and our nation would be on the road to a recovery now instead of on its way to a 'new normal', or worse, a double-dip recession bordering on a great depression due to Obama and the Democrats policies, which attack human freedom, liberty, dignity, and prosperity.

One thing that I do know- it does not matter who the Republicans nominate in 2012, they will be better for everyone in our nation than Obama is, even if they do nothing (the middle line, which is better than Obama's 'doing something). Romney, Perry, Palin, or Pawlenty- all are much better, and I'm surprised that the Democrats are sticking with Obama since he has been such an obvious failure.

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