Question from World History Book on the 2000 US Presidential Election

Textbooks come with chapter banks, and most teachers simply use those questions of their tests that they give to students. There are not that many textbooks out on the market, so when you see a question like the one I am going to show you, you can safely assume that this is a question that is being asked to thousands of young people every year. Here is the question that thousands of World History teachers are making sure that there students don't get wrong- it is one of the 20 questions from the chapter on 'The Western World Since 1950'- here it is:

In the US Presidential election of 2000
a. was decided by the House of Representatives
b. George W. Bush won the majority of the popular vote
c. Al Gore won the majority of the electoral college vote
d. Al Gore won the majority of the popular vote

Out of all of the important events in the western world (Germany, England, France, United States, Canada, etc) since 1950, this textbook would like to make sure that all students know that Al Gore won the majority of the popular vote. Not that George W. Bush won the electoral college and became President- which is important and something that years from now will matter- but rather that Al Gore had the election taken from him in a giant conspiracy by an 'illegiate' President. That is what textbook manufactures and the teachers who mindlessly create their tests off them want kids to take away from the chapter.

As a side note, whatever happened to Al Gore anyway? After the whole global warming thing, I have lost track of him. Out of comparison, McCain is still in the Senate and wikipedia says the Bob Dole is still doing useful work. Is Al Gore now just content to make millions off of government contracts for 'green' stuff and jetting around to scold people for being alive and prosperous, or is he actually making or doing anything? Hey- whatever happened to that other recent Vice-President nominee from the Democratic Party, from 2004- do you think he compares favorably to the VP candidate that the GOP put up in 2008 or not? I wonder sometimes- if these people the Democrats put up for office are so great, how come after they lose they are shuffled off and never bragged about anymore- it's almost like the only thing that matters for the Democrats is power, and if they can't win it or don't have it, they aren't worth spit any more. That's not fair- Gore was a loving husband, right?

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