Nationally-Recognized Now, Michigan is Obama's Vision

National commentators are picking up on what I've been blogging about on here for a while- that Michigan is a good example of what the whole nation will look like if Obama takes control of our government. I wrote here about how Michigan is all about hope and change. Here I wrote about how in a time of crisis in Michigan, we pass a 'bipartisan' energy plan that raises energy prices and does nothing to provide mroe energy for our citizens.

In this post I wrote about Michigan's government job creation program and how poorly run it is. Back in July, I wrote a post that compared Obama to Granholm and predicted that the results for our nation would be similar to what happened in Michigan.

Now the national media is picking up on this. Phil Gramn wrote this piece for the WSJ, and it's a good one- if you like Michigan's economy, you'll love Obama's. And the latest numbers from Michigan are shocking- by every economic measure, Michigan's economy is sinking compared to the rest of the nation. Our raising of taxes, increasing government regulation, 'green energy,' and government created jobs programs has resulted in wrecking Michigan. Good luck rest of nation when Obama brings this show to you.

UPDATE: Okay, so while Michigan's economy is collapsing, what does a Democrat-controlled government do? It tries to ban smoking. Not joking. Democrats are going to try over and over and over again to ban smoking in Michigan. They feel that is an appropriate action to do while our economy slips farther and farther into the hole. Don't kid yourself- after Obama is President, and we get attacked by terrorists, and our economy falls into the pits, he is going to do the same thing- in the name of health and the environment, he will try to ban smoking too. Mark my words.

UPDATE TWO: Ah, another columnist has picked up on how the rest of the country is becoming 'Detroitified'- that is, the rest of the country is starting to point and blame businesses for a declining economy, and starting to warm up to increasing regulation and taxes, and ignores all the real culprits and instead blames others.

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