Congress Threatens College Football- Playoff System or Else Our Thugs Will Get You

This is not a story out of Onion, the fake news, but rather the bizarro world that Democrats are running (and yes, when Democrats control President, House, and Senate, they are running the show, not Republicans)- Congress is threatening the college football Bowl Championship Series. If they can utterly disregard rule of law and limited government and take over auto companies, they can do whatever they want- and they will, including telling banks who to lend to, credit card companies how much to charge in interest to whom, and who gets to go to college bowl games.

"How is this fair?” asked the subcommittee chairman, Democratic Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois, who has co-sponsored Barton’s bill. “How can we justify this system … are the big guys getting together and shutting out the little guys?”
Democrat Rush demands that college football affirmatively act to give more points and power to the smaller schools out there, and is more than ready to use the power of the US government to force college football teams to play a playoff.

John Swofford, the coordinator of the BCS was bluntly warned by Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, “If we don’t see some action in the next two months, on a voluntary switch to a playoff system, then you will see this bill move.”
Swofford better take this threat seriously- if the BCS doesn't switch over to a playoff system and give the smaller schools more more, than tanks and bombers and aircraft carriers will be deployed to employ force and smash whatever liberty and freedom the BCS now enjoys.

Oh, this is serious stuff- I warned about it before in Democrats Order Change for College Football- Must Be Fair to Everyone to Provide Hope to All. The power has gone straight to the Democrats heads, and they are now ruling by decree, utterly disregarding even trying to appear like they are acting in a constitutionally limited manner.

Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law expert at George Washington University, said the legislation could result in a court challenge. “This is a rare effort by Congress to prevent people from using what is a common description of sporting events,” he said in a telephone interview. The legislation, he said, “may run afoul of the contractual agreements between parties, wiping out benefits that have already been paid for by companies.”
Rare effort? Try increasingly common attempt. And do you think Congress and the White House cares at all about contractual agreements between parties? Nope. Not a bit. Obama laughs at that kind of old-fashioned conservative notion- contractual agreements were not his speciality at law school.

What is happening to our country? Are we seriously becoming a nation where if you don't get your way, you run to your government official, and then he uses the force and power of the US government to make someone change their behavior? Whatever happened to freedom and liberty and choice? Someone read the Declaration of Independence- am I being totally silly or is the US government increasingly sounding like King George? Sorry for all the angst in this post- really, I'm just waiting for someone to put on blue paint and yell "Freedom!"

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