Who is Ed Montgomery?

As our nation descends into third-world dictatorships, I am increasingly finding myself unfamiliar with the overlords who control my behavior and distribute gifts and favors. I mean, I know who is elected into office, and I understand the bureaucracy and how that works. But who the heck is Ed Montgomery, what role does he play in our political system, and how does he get to be the one making major decisions and giving away money?

As reported by the Detroit News:

President Barack Obama's auto industry recovery czar, at the start of a two-day trip to a state ravaged by the auto industry downturn, unveiled Thursday an expanded business loan program he said will aid hundreds of auto dealers, repair shops and auto suppliers in Michigan.

Ed Montgomery also announced $10.3 million will be sent to the state for the redevelopment of aging manufacturing sites.

Earlier in the day, Montgomery toured Cascade Engineering, an auto parts supplier and wind turbine maker in the Grand Rapids area that has laid off 300 workers in the past four months. He announced that the Small Business Administration will expand a loan program to aid businesses like Cascade.

Montgomery also announced $10.3 million in new funding for cleanup and reuse of old industrial sites. He said it's the largest amount for brownfields redevelopment available to any state.

The money will come from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and will help communities to clean up sites known as brownfields, which may be contaminated by chemicals or pollutants.

I'm going to need to become more familiar with how things work in third world countries- how to curry favor with royal envoys, how to avoid being intimidated and bullied, and how to bow low to our new overlords, who tour around our country giving gifts to favored people.

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