Obama Lied! Obama Mislead Citizens! Stealing the Language of the Left

Democrats once screamed over and over the mantra that "Bush lied" and "Bush mislead" Americans to drag up illegally into the Iraq War. Democratic Senator Obama was one of the loudest to shrill this mantra, claiming over and over again that to get us to go to war in Iraq, Bush suppressed information that was contrary to his views, only published government reports that agreed with his agenda, and knowingly falsified information to bring us to war.

But one of the primary characteristics of a liberal is that they only care about power, and principles such as honesty and transparency only mean something when they feel those things can be used to gain more control over someone elses life. Now that Democrat Obama is in charge of the White House, information is suppressed, political pressure is brought to bear to make sure that government reports only say what Obama wants them to say, and information is knowingly and actively falsified in order to pass legislation.

And the media and the liberals are silent. They were so vocal about lying and misleading during the Bush years, when President Bush killed terrorists and brought democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people. In retrospect, some of the information he used to bring us to war was not the most accurate, but most likely that was caused by mistakes, bad assumptions, and groupthink. That's a little bit different than a deliberate and purposeful attempt to mislead people using information that you know is false, or suppressing information that clearly contradicts your views, or putting political pressure from the White House of government agencies to ignore all those who speak out against its agenda. One is mistaken- the other is criminal.

Although Obama has only been in power of the US state for a short time, he and his minions are already applying pressure to produce government reports that fit their agenda, suppress those that disagree, and falsify information. For example, the EPA apparently dismissed an analyst’s report questioning the science behind global warming.

So liberals and Democrats, start up your shrill cries again- "Obama lied!" "Obama mislead!" The following are adaptions from from various "Bush lied" websites (here, here, here, here)- only the names and subjects have been changed, the language and structure remains the same. Surprisingly, changing 'Bush' to 'Obama' and 'war in Iraq' to 'global warming' is all I really have to do to use the language of the left against itself. Feel free to use these phrases whenever you want:

  • "Obama led people to believe that global warming is real by repeatedly linking talking about it in his speeches. This is so effective that many Americans actually believed some sort of climate change bill is needed."
  • "Obama has stated that Congress had access to all the same information that the White House had. Thus he should not be blamed for passing the Cap and Trade legislation. But Obama was briefed many times about the falsehood of various stories and this information never reached Congress."
  • "This global warming bill is intended to mark the official emergence of the United States as a full-fledged global climate czar, seizing sole responsibility and authority as planetary policeman. It would be the culmination of a plan 10 years or more in the making, carried out by those who believe the United States must seize the opportunity for global domination, even if it means becoming the "American imperialists" that our enemies always claimed we were."
  • "Obama still insists that there is a "relationship" between human activity and the entire planet warming up. But several groups have released reports saying, among other things, that there is no "collaborative relationship" between human activity and global warming."
  • "Americans who are fundamentally misinformed about global warming provide the bulk of those questioned in polls which show support for Obama and the global warming bill. Subtract them from polls and Obama is an unpopular president -- widely seen as having accomplished a bait and switch, redirecting U.S. anger and vengeance toward an issue that does not interest us."
  • "Obama issued statements which 'were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to pass the cap and trade bill under decidedly false pretenses.'"
  • "Obama has a habit of just making shit up when it suits his needs. Just look at his selling of his cap and trade legislation. Lies, lies and lies. But while I consider these lies the worst of the lot, the health care lies may be the one that causes the most damage. Some background: the Obama Administration wants to sell its socialized medicine plan to a wary nation. The budget was already out of control, and Democrats notice that the people are wary of creating new government entitlements. Obama needs their votes. So he lies to them."

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