The Religion of the Democrats

For months, my two brothers and I have been discussing the connections in our modern political system between church and state- that is, between religion and politics. We reject the false theory that religion and politics should be separated, because it is not possible. A person’s views on God, the nature of God, and the teachings of God do affect their political views- nay, those are the basis of a person’s political views. A person’s religion will form the foundation on which that person builds their political theories, and thus it is very important to consider what religious beliefs important political figures has.

This is not to say that one should vote based on religion- I’m not advocating identity politics or discrimination in any way. And this is not to say that the State should establish a particular religion as the only recognized religion- this is not the role of government and lessens liberty. But it is important to know what major political figures believe about the world so that you can better understand how they will use policy and power to shape the world.

One way of looking at the world is advocated by our current President, Democrat Barack Obama, and he has many others who share his worldview, such as Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Through their statements and policy proposals, they have revealed how they view the nature of the universe.

Generally speaking, the modern Democrat party feels that people are trapped in an unfair and unjust material world. In churches they blame a lot of people for this, and their anger and bitterness is felt quite clearly. They frequently point fingers at God himself, who unjustly and unfairly did this to certain groups and races.

This does not mean that Democrats reject God, although there are a lot of agnostic and atheists in this party today. Rather, they frequently reject the traditional Christian teachings of God, and try to go over his head to find some greater power than him. To Democrats, there is some higher power yet than even God- The People, The World, The Globe- they call it by many names, but the idea is the same, that there is some remote and powerful being out there who is higher than God.

Democrats today believe that man is good and that the world is evil- that man was a good and decent person but was ambushed and put in a nation or world where bad things occur. It isn’t man’s fault, it isn’t any groups fault- no one is at fault, since man is good. The fault lies with the world, which must be changed from its fallen state.

The chief way for a person to change this fallen world and once again hope of being divine is by believing in these facts and by more fully understanding how great humans are. Obama’s speeches are filled with platitudes and phrases about how he knows that people are good, about how he feels that people are great, and that if only they would follow his ideas, then we could overcome this fallen world and be great ourselves.

The key to Obama’s speeches are that knowledge and understanding and empathy are the central factor in this process of restoration. And I’m not talking about knowledge as in an understanding of policy, book learning in economics, experience in certain industries, etc- I’m talking about esoteric experiences of direct participation with the divine.

It is more important for Obama to appoint Czars of various industries who feel what he feels, who have empathy like he has empathy, and who know what he knows, rather than appoint czars from within particular industries. It is more important that they are acquainted with Obama than they have real knowledge of subject matters. It is more important that they be inward 'knowing' people or people on journeys of self-exploration than be people who have common sense and are average people.

The idea is that the disorder and badness of the world can be overcome by dreaming and believing, and above all, by trusting the leadership of Obama and his guidance of this journey, because he is.

A lot of time it feels as if Democrats today are alienated from the world- Obama holds himself as aloof, above the world, and it is not uncommon for Democrats to insist that they be called by fancy titles that make them higher than the rest of us. They don’t feel connected with us, especially those of us in the heartland of the nation, those of us who are laughed at for clinging to our guns, gods, and goods.

This is not all speculative stuff- there is a policy impact of this. Obama and the Democrats, acting on these beliefs, seek to implement and or create a policy to actualize their speculations- to create a sort of heaven on earth. Now is the time, the one point in human history, these Democrats claim, when the kingdom of God can be replaced with the kingdom of man.

For example, some Democrats believe that we can establish the perfect healthcare system once selected bureaucrats, who have special knowledge, take control and overturn the natural forces of capitalism. Or that the perfect education system can be established if only it is run by chosen government official, who will overcome the natural forces of man and make us better people.

Democrats are now marked by a desire to dominate others, as seen by the Cap and Trade bill, because it is they who has The Vision. They Know, and they laugh at others who pretend to know things, because they Know that they don’t. As a result, there is very little regard for the welfare of those who are harmed by the resulting politics, which ranges from coercive to calamitous.

Hopefully, this little essay helps you to understand the beliefs behind Obama, Pelosi, and the Democrat Party today, and in the future you will not wonder why they do the things that they do. Their political policies are indeed affected by their religious views, and in understanding their religious views better, you will better understand their political views.

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