Key Provisions of Health Care Bill

The Detroit News today put together a nice article which lays out the key provisions of Obamacare. I'm going to liberally quote from it with my comments added in and review just what Obamacare is about.

  • Cost: $940 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. This estimate includes 10 years of taxing and fees and only includes 7 years of benefits. This estimate also assumes that the program will cost what the government says it will- more often than not, government programs end up costing 2-3 times what they say it will cost. Whatever the cost of Obamacare, there is no money to pay for it anyways, so it is all debt, regardless of the Enron accounting schemes that the Democrats used.
  • It would expand coverage to 32 million uninsured, which means that at its heart, it is the largest welfare expansion in a generation. This comes after decades of successful welfare reform that has cut the number of people on government welfare by considerable numbers- this indeed is a change.
  • Almost everyone would be required by law to be insured by 2014 or else pay a fine. The government does not have this power or authority, and its that simple. If you doubt me, imagine if the government said everyone needs to buy a Hummer or else pay a fine- do you think the government has that authority and power to? What if the government said everyone needed to buy a plastic bag and put their head in it or else pay a fine- do you think the government has that power to? The insurance mandate is unconstitutional, and anyone who supports it supports shredding the Constitution.
  • Major consumer safeguards take effect in 2014. These are 'important safeguards'- but not important enough to put in place now? All of these will make insurance more expensive. All of them will drive up the costs of healthcare.
  • Massive new expansion of Medicaid, with massive new costs picked up by the federal government.
  • Taxes are raised on investment income by 3.8 percent.
  • Businesses are required to provide insurance to employees, or else the government will shut down your company, terrorize your business, or break your kneecaps.

Not included in the bill- anything that reduces the cost of healthcare, anything that reduces the cost of providing healthcare by businesses, anything that improves the economy, anything that provides any sort of jobs, anything that increases liberty and freedom, anything that protects life, and anything that protects property.

Call your Congressman and Senator today and let him/her know where you stand on this bill. It won't matter- thugs are determined to put in place tyranny and destroy our nation- but at least you can say you made the attempt.

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