Obama Attacks Anglers, Fishermen, and Boaters

It seems that President Obama has appointed a group called the Ocean Policy Task Force. The original idea was to plan Federal policy related to ocean fishing- innocent enough. But because our rivers and streams are in a 'crisis', Obama ordered that within 90 days this OPTF come up with a comprehensive plan on how to gain control over and manage a whole range of new areas, including recreational fishing and boating.

The idea is that Obama will create a new Federal bureaucracy through decree that would attempt to coordinate and manage all existing state, regional and local planning agencies that deal with fishing, boating, cruise ships, marine wildlife refuges, marine mining, ports and harbors, hunting, and any "Other Recreation- e.g., boating, beach access, swimming, nature and whale watching, and diving" that may be on or near a river, lake, stream, or body of water.

Under the pretense of ‘protecting’ these areas, Obama has ordered that Task Force to develop zoning laws and regulations which will permanently close vast areas of fishing waters nationwide. The Task Force intends for this to be done December 9, 2009, after which the national government will close lakes, streams, rivers, and harbors to fishing, boating, hunting, or swimming, in order to 'protect' those habitats.

The federal government will take control of these areas regardless of the state, local, or regional laws that may affect them- this is intended to be a yet another power grab by the Obama administration and the Democrats in Congress.

Dave Pfeiffer, President of Shimano American Corporation explained how the Obama Task Force worked:

"In spite of extensive submissions from the recreational fishing community to the Task Force in person and in writing, they failed to include any mention of the over one million jobs or the 6o million anglers which may be affected by the new policies coast to coast. Input from the environmental groups who want to put us off the water was adopted into the report verbatim – the key points we submitted as an industry were ignored.”
This is the Obama government and this is what happens when you elect Democrats- Task Forces are created by Presidential decree to take over areas of our lives and come up with rules and regulations, and business leaders are not invited to participate in these secret and closed processes but environmental wacko's are.

The original White House memo and (not surprisingly) the Task Force report also contains multiple references to the managing these lands in a manner “consistent with international law, including customary international law as reflected in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was never ratified by the United States and even today there is no way that even liberal Democrats in the Senate would sign on to it, but apparently that isn't going to stop Obama from making the United States follow that treaty anyway.

Here comes the Fishing Czar!

For additional information and sources for this story, see the following two stories- Feds to 60 Million American Anglers: We don't need you or Federal takeover of our coastal fishing and marine resources?

Via Lucianne.

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