Representative Gary Peters Up to Same Old Tactics

In the last Congressional election, Democrat Congressman Gary Peters employed thugs like Bruce Fealk to harass his Republican opponent, Joe Knollenberg. The type of tactics that Peters had his thugs employ included the usual picketing, public demonstrations, and harassment at public events, but cross the line when Peters' thugs started to show up at his opponents house to continue the harassment. Once, Mr. Fealk ambushed Representative Knollenberg at a local pharmacy and video-taped himself asking the Congressman dozens of questions, not even bothering to listen for the answers, but instead simply playing political games intended to get footage that Peters campaign office could use.

Gary Peters employed guys like Fealk to record videos of themselves harassing his opponent in the hopes of getting the harassed Congressman and his equally harassed staff to snap. Once, Fealk and Peters got lucky, and Knollenberg's chief of staff Trent Wisecup snapped at Fealk and told him to "go away", and the Peters campaign ran with that footage and played up the 'mean old conservative' angle. The whole story was covered by the American Thinker, linked here. Here is a picture of Fealk, in case you are interested.

That was last election. Since then, Peters has distanced himself from Fealk, refusing to be seen in public with him because he is an embarrassment and a liability. But that doesn't mean the Congressman Peters has changed tactics- he still intends to defeat his opponent by systematically harassing them, building up dirt on them, attacking them, and lying about himself.

Today at a Tax Day Tea Party in Royal Oak, Michigan, Gary Peters had one of his staff there to harass Rocky Raczkowski, his likely opponent in the upcoming Congressional election in Michigan's 9th District. His staff member stood around the entire time, hovering about 3 or 4 feet from Rocky for about two hours, filming him. He didn't talk to anyone, didn't seem that interested to be there, and rudely tried to butt his way into every conversation, zooming in on people and attempting to capture as much video and audio as possible. Was this staffer's goal to learn more about Rocky? Document his campaign for a future movie? Nope- Gary Peters sent this guy down there to simply hang around and try to catch something that Rocky said that could be taken out of context and used against him in the campaign.

The guy said his name was 'Paul' and that he worked for Gary Peters staff. I tried to find out more information about this guy, but apparently Gary Peters does not put on his websites any information about who works for him or works in his offices. Odd, I thought he ran on a platform of transparency, yet he won't post he works for him in his offices. I was able to get some information about how works for Peters, but didn't see a 'Paul' listed- just his Chief of Staff Eric Feldman, Scheduler Caitlyn Stephenson, Legislative Director Jonathan Smith, Comm. Dir. Cullen Schwarz, Child/Family Issues LA Carly Hepola, Health LA Carly Hepola, Labor LA David Weinberg, Housing LA Jonathan Smith, Medicare/Medicaid LA Carly Hepola, and Social Security LA David Weinberg. He could be one of these people- I couldn't find pictures anywhere of them.

Gary Peters intends to dirty up this coming election. I hope voters know this and throw the bum out.

Here is a video of him video-taping Rocky.

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