Obama Celebrates Birthday Alone While Wife Spends $375K in Taxpayer Money Playing in Spain

There was great rejoicing in the streets this week as our Dear Leader celebrated his 49th birthday by doing something that probably resulted in job losses and cost my grandchildren a lot of money. His wife took the occasion to do something that every husband finds special on their special day- take the kids and head out of town and spend thousands of someone else's money. From Roger Simon, via Pundit & Pundette:

Michelle’s $375,000 Spanish vacation — with the Daily Mail dubbing her a “modern-day Marie Antoinette” — is further proof of my thesis. What man who wanted to be re-elected (or see his party do well in November) would let his wife go off on such an “excellent adventure” in these economic times? Of course no one denies the right of people to have vacations – I’m coming to the end of one myself on my beloved Bainbridge Island — but closing Mediterranean beaches while booking 60-plus rooms in a five star Marbella hotel for her entourage? It is beyond tone deaf, perhaps to the level of subconscious (or even deliberate) self-sabotage.

At the very least, something most peculiar is going on. The first lady goes off on a jaunt worthy of 18th Century aristocracy at the very moment of her husband’s birthday. Is somebody trying to tell us something? Is somebody trying to tell her spouse something? Or vice-versa? Who knows?
Personally, I think Michelle made the correct choice- would you rather stay in the White House with her husband and celebrate his special day with the usual menu of Kobe beef and fancy deserts next to a roaring fire while joking around with the clowns there (paid for by you and me), or fly to Spain to stay at the fanciest hotels and eat at the fanciest restaurants and go to fancy fashion shows and enjoy hanging out with the other rich and famous to the tune of an estimated (minimum of) $375,000 (paid for by you and me)?

UPDATE: Not sure if you have seen this, but even the butt-kisser Jay Leno has turned on Obama, and mocked him on his birthday:

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