Democrats Cast Their Greedy Eyes on Gold, Regulation of Sellers and Buyers Soon to Follow?

Democrats and liberals are correct- individuals buying gold does represent a grave threat to their vision of a communist United States that piles up debt obligations and lives a dangerous unreal existence of welfare, give-aways, and fanciful projects. Via Future Of Capitalism through PowerLine:

Just as the government is trying to prevent people from investing in anything other than T-Bills by raising taxes on taxable interest and dividends to confiscatory levels, it's also trying to prevent you from parking your wealth in assets, like gold, that compete with the paper dollars issued by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. A press release from Rep. Anthony Weiner, Democrat of New York, not yet (as of this instant) posted on Mr. Weiner's Web site, announces that a September 23 hearing of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection (a subcommittee of Rep. Henry Waxman's Commerce Committee) will focus on "legislation that would regulate gold-selling companies, an industry who's [sic] relentless advertising is now staple of cable television."

From the press release: "Under Rep. Weiner's bill, companies like Goldline would be required to disclose the reasonable resale value of items being sold." That's great. Are Mr. Weiner and Chairman Bernanke also going to agree to print on every dollar the reasonable expectation that its value will be eroded by inflation? ...

Mr. Weiner's regulatory push seems as much aimed at conservative journalists as at the gold-dealers. The press release says, "Goldline employs several conservative pundits to act as shills for its' [sic] precious metal business, including Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, Laura Ingraham, and Fred Thompson. By drumming up public fears during financially uncertain times, conservative pundits are able to drive a false narrative. Glenn Beck for example has dedicated entire segments of his program to explaining why the U.S. money supply is destined for hyperinflation with Barack Obama as president."

Imagine the uproar if a Republican-majority Congress started investigating and having a regulatory crackdown on big advertisers in liberal outlets such as the New York Times. The First Amendment freedom-of-the-press crowd would be marching in the streets.

The whole situation is amazing. If Mr. Weiner really wants to calm fears about hyperinflation, the last way to do it is to have a government hearing cracking down on the people warning of it.
Regulation of gold sales (likely with taxes to follow), and investigations and witch-hunts for anyone selling gold. Is this the America that you all dreamed about when you were young? Is this the America that voters wanted when they voted for Democrats and Obama in 2008? What kind of a tyranny will this nation be when the government tries to control what sort of assets you personally put your wealth into? And just what do you think is going to happen when the government is left sitting on a massive amount of worthless US currency and you're sitting there with any amount of valuable gold? Better get a gun too when you buy that next once, because you're gonna need it now that the Democrats in Congress have cast their greedy eyes on the little yellow metal that you own.

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