Walls of Schools Decorated with Artwork Praising Internationalism and Give Peace a Chance

Yesterday as I as walking through the halls of my school, it suddenly occurred to me what was on the walls. Oh, I know I look for liberal bias in textbooks, in breakroom conversations, and in different educational practices of teachers, but for some reason I never noticed before yesterday that the art work on the walls of the school are liberally-slanted.

Most of the art in our school comes from students, who have been inspired by and whose direction was shaped by some sort of contest for artwork. Of course, everyone is a winner, since in a liberal world everyone is a loser, and each piece of artwork that was made is proudly displayed on the wall. Were the contests based around doing something profitable or demonstrating some sort of school? No- not surprisingly in an institution dominated by the liberal leftist agenda, these contests are ideologically based around the values and beliefs of the liberal left-wing agenda.

In my school, the walls are covered by students who studied and worked long hours trying to bring to life the themes ‘give peace a chance’ and ‘internationalism’.  The goal of these contests is to get young children thinking about and building and strengthening the liberal world-view, in particular the liberal views on foreign policy that I would characterize as global nation-building, weak national security, and puppy-dog and sunshine views of terrorists. On the other hand, students were guided into producing posters and drawings that show 'give peace a chance' and 'internationalism' in a more positive light.  In these posters, the only person who is allowed to use force or think independently is the king, who lords over the peasants, for their benefit, of course. You see, a liberal wants to be the king of everyone, telling them what to do, and therefore willingly supports a super-global king, as long as he is liberal. It's okay for the UN to come in and tell nations what to do (ie, internationalism) and it's okay for Obama to tell nations what to do (peace prize), but everyone else is to be contemned for fighting for life, liberty, and property.

These posters do have an affect on these young kids. Students are learning still, and the ones shaping the minds of our nation’s youths are these warped individuals with leftist liberal leanings. It is wrong when a kid is told that national security isn’t that important and that he should not draw guns and bombs, but instead should draw hearts and flowers to enter in the school wide and supported by taxpayers money ‘give peace a chance’ contest. It is wrong when a kids poster is rejected for showing a people enslaved to the UN because the teacher thinks that internationalism is the correct way to go.

Next time you're in a school, look around, and let me know if you see anything similar on the walls. In an institution dominated by liberalism, it won't be surprising.

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