Earth Day- Is it Just One Big Communsit Plot?

Comrades- Happy Lenin’s Birthday and a Happy Earth Day too!

Today is April 22nd, and not only is it Earth Day, it is also Vladimir Lenin's birthday. Is it just a coincidence? I don’t think so- Earth Day is supposed to be celebrated on the exact same day as Lenin’s Birthday because the holiday is just one big stinking communist plot! Oh, I know what you're thinking- it's just a pure coincidence and you're just some sort of paranoid right-wing nut- but you see comrade, I've done a little additional research over the years, and the fact that Lenin's birthday and Earth Day are the same day isn't my only piece of evidence that it is just a communist plot.

One of the very first Earth day celebrations took place in 1970- which also happens to be the 100 year anniversary of Comrade Lenin’s birthday (born in 1870). Many former communists saw Earth Day, with its goals and interests, as being very similar to the goals and interests of the great communist Lenin.

The group that founded “Earth Day” was a group called Friends of the Earth. When I last checked their website, I noticed something interesting- in addition to promoting Earth day, this group also promotes communism! Of course there are the usual environmental stuff on the website, but mixed in are calls for redistribution of wealth, government regulation of nearly all aspects of people’s lives, communal land ownership, and control of production in the hands of the masses, etc. The Friends of the Earth don't like people who hurt Mother Earth, but they also don't like “evil” corporations, Big Oil, Wall Street, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and resisting 'corporate domination of the masses'. Oh yeah- and Earth Day too- the communism almost overwhelmed the message of 'Earth Day'. Convinced yet that Earth Day is a communist plot? I've got more evidence!

The symbol of the very first Earth Day was a circle with a broken cross, with the bars pointing downward. It is a New Age symbol meaning the rejection of Christianity. The goal was to replace the worship of the Christian religion with the worship of Mother Earth- and the protector of Mother Earth is an all powerful government the controls industry and the means of production for the good of the workers. First you reject the Christian god and then you worship the state, much like communism demands.

According to the wikipedia entry on Earth Day from last year, the goal of Earth Day is to push for: Total state control of society (especially businesses and industry), the recognition of the sacred nature of Mother Earth (including the worship of ‘green’), supporting the use of force to change people’s behaviors (to help the environment, I guess), and stopping or slowing ‘development’ or ‘progress’ to return to a Utopian world of equality. I know what you're thinking now- wikipedia isn't a reliable source- if only there was a more authentic earth day website... well there is!

Over at, we can read about the goals, issues, and beliefs of Earth Day- and it should not be a shock that they are all communist! When you go to the website, it encourages you to “Join the Revolution” and work to pass laws that give more power to the government (in order to ‘stop global warming’). My favorite line is when the website encourages you on this Earth Day to work towards “protecting the poor and middle class from unfairly bearing the cost of climate crisis” by increasing taxes on the rich and redistributing that money to the poor and middle class. Schools are encouraged on Earth Day to develop lesson plans that teach children about their responsibility to fight poverty.

Speaking of teachers, many of them may want to prepare lesson plans for Earth Day, and a search of the internet points you to the biggest resource for lessons on Earth Day- a site sponsored by The Wilderness Society. They have all sorts of resources. Although a coloring book for 3rd graders with the theme of “Stop drilling in ANWR” is pretty environmental, they also have a pretty communist timeline activity on there where 7th graders can construct a timeline of all the laws that government has passed in the US to control choices and freedom and crush liberty. My favorite resources though are for Reading classes- they have a number of fun stories to read about ‘environmental heroes’- who all also (coincidentally) are all good revolutionary communists. My case should be pretty solid by now, and I can't imagine that anyone still thinks Earth Day is anything other than a communist plot, but if you still doubt, I've got even more to convince you!

The high priest of Earth Day is likely to be Democratic-nominee for President in 2000 Al Gore. In his book "Earth in the Balance" he called for "a wrenching transformation of society" to achieve his goal of total centralized government control over society. He says that "adopting a central organizing principle... means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action... to use, in short, every means to halt... the destruction of the environment." I'm pretty sure Lenin would have agreed with him and then patted him on the back for finding a way to bring communism to the masses in the guise of fighting for 'the environment.'

We all know how much communists hated George W Bush and his policies, so whatever his version of Earth Day was is clearly not what Earth Day is really about. Under Republican President George Bush, the official government version of Earth Day (according to the EPA website then) was more about celebrating the gains we have made in protecting the environment, achieving meaningful results in protecting the environment, encouraging volunteer efforts to save energy or reduce/recycle, and taking pride in America by maintaining our public lands. Communists and their progressive and liberal friends though hated Bush and his policies though, because they knew that this isn't what Earth Day is about- Earth Day is one big communist plot and Bush should have promoted communism more so than helping the environment.

Under Democrat President Barack Obama though, America returns to the true message of Earth Day by bringing it back into line with the communist vision. According to the EPA website, Earth Day is mainly about learning about environmental justice, which is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies- and if you don't know what the means, it is all just code for 'government control of the means of production'. Obama's Earth Day is about lobbying your local school to spend less time teaching reading and math and more time teaching about how the government should control more industries in the name of environmental protection. And most importantly, Earth Day is about engaging in celebrations and festivals designed to do nothing to help the environment but instead designed to teach you to how to worship the state and its statist holidays.

Some of you may be convinced by now that Earth Day might have been a communist plot and might have a lot of communists supporting it for their communist reasons, but you are different and are celebrating it in a different way for your own reasons. You are what they call a dupe, a tool, a useful idiot, because although you may think you are advancing the cause of green on this day, in reality you are advancing the cause of red. So don't be a watermelon- wise up and reject Earth Day, or when the news runs story after story about Earth Day, when teachers encourage you to ‘celebrate’ Earth Day, when google and yahoo ‘go green’, accept the reality of the situation by responding-

“Happy Earth Day too, comrade”.

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