Green Police- The Real Government Superbowl Ad

The federal government paid taxpayer dollars to advertise during the Superbowl recently, and I'm pretty sure that their real advertisement was not for the census but instead was the Green Police ad.

I know at the end of this advertisement it says "Audi", but the Green Police ad fits a lot better with what the Democrats and Obama want to to do to our nation. In the ad, people are arrested by fascist thugs who disregard rights to due process and rule of law for the following offenses: using plastic bags, throwing away batteries, not composting, installing incandescent light bulbs, using plastic bottles, setting a hot tub temperature too high, and for driving automobiles that aren't environmentally friendly. These 'police' go through garbage, drag people out of their homes, and search cars without cause in order to catch people who aren't 'being environmentally friendly.' This is the future, boys and girls.

And if you happen to think that a freedom-sucking ‘Green Police’ scenario as depicted below is absurd and impossible, I direct your attention to these videos over on Restore–DC–Catholicism. In the second video, Lord Christopher Monckton, who debunked the global-warming junk science notes of the shenanigans discovered at the recent Copenhagan meeting, a meeting which Democrats and liberals and Obama and Pelosi all supported.

Here is the commercial and the vision of the liberal future:

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