Campaign Ads Getting Better

"What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk!" Now that's a funny joke! Well, not really, but Arizona's new immigration law is not a joke either, although President Obama thinks defending the border is a joking matter. Check out this new advertisement being run in Arizona:

One unit that I teach is on campaign advertisements, and I always point out to my students that usually whoever runs the best campaign ads gets to be President of the United States. A really great website for this lesson is it has all the campaign ads from all the Presidential candidates since 1952 on it, organized and set up in a way that makes it very teachable. Last election (2008), in my opinion, Obama ran some pretty lame ads, but McCain topped it by running some of the worst stuff ever.

But, as the above advertisement shows, this time around things are getting interesting. And it is not just the GOP that is coming out with good stuff- give credit where credit is due, this ad which blasts the GOP candidates for Governor of CA is pretty darn good:

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