9th Congressional District Debate Review

Democratic Incumbent Congressman Gary Peters flew back from Washington DC on Monday night to debate his challenger, Republican nominee Rocky Raczkowski, and the lively debate did a great job of contrasting the two opponents.

Over a series of questions on 'don't ask, don't tell', 'campaign commercials,' 'tax breaks,' 'illegal immigration,' and other issues, the two candidates contrasted their styles and hammered away at their strategies to win the upcoming election on November 2.

Gary Peters hammered at Rocky through a series of personal attacks, questioning his honesty, integrity, and motivation. He seized on jokes, mischaracterized Rocky's positions, slandered him, and frequently referred to the frivolous lawsuit by the cocaine addicted customer that provides much of the information that Peters is campaigning on. At every opportunity, he dodged his votes and his stands on issues, and promised that if you give him another two years in Congress, he will continue to work hard and make sure that he does nothing other than vote the Democratic party line. At one point he even accused his lack of production on legislation on the Republicans, who are the minority party (by large numbers) in Congress, hoping that voters wouldn't realize how lame that excuse is. Peters campaign is going to be 'Rocky is a birther, Rocky is being sued, Rocky had someone controversial at an event he was at, and Rocky is corrupt.'

Rocky Raczkowski hammered at Peters through frequent references to Peters votes on issues, questioning his votes on cap-and-trade, Obamacare, budgets, and the stimulus bill. He argued that residents of the 9th district need better representation in Congress than what Peters is providing, and was critical of Peters votes on those issues, which Rocky felt have harmed the middle class and have contributed to turning a recession into a job-killing debt-orgy depression. At every chance, he talked about how he would fight for Michigan families and not be a partisan hack beholden to the GOP or the Democratic Party, and that if he were elected into office, he would listen to the people of his district and take their views into consideration when voting on important issues to them. Rocky's campaign is going to be 'Peters voted wrongly on many bills, Peters isn't a good legislator, Peters is a solid liberal Democrat, and we need to put in place someone that will listen to the voters of the 9th District.'

Don't take my word for any of this- watch the debate yourself. You will see.

My favorite part of the debate was when Congressman Peters argued that employers should never hire anyone who is being sued for anything, since people need to 'put their personal house in order before working for any sort of company.' Lawyers can sue and sue and sue, and have their lawsuits dismissed and proven without merit, but as long as someone is being sued, they shouldn't have a job and shouldn't be working at all, because they may have to defend themselves, and that will take some minor amount of time away from the job. I would imagine that this will be called the 'Peters Full Employment for Lawyers, No Employment for the Sued' Act, and would probably be passed by the Democratic Congress, which sports a rather large number of Democratic Congressman who are being sued on various corruption and ethics charges.

Oh, I also liked when Congressman Peters said that Rocky couldn't be trusted because he was a politician and had run for office 6 or 7 times in the past. This is the kind of logic you get from a politician who has run for office 6 times and is trying to make the campaign into one of trust. Voters don't have to worry about that with Peters- we already know that Congressman Gary Peters takes the word of a cocaine-addict who has had his frivolous lawsuits dismissed already and therefore can't be trusted.
One other thing I'd like you to chew on from this debate. If you haven't read The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs in a while, you should. Peters really hates Wall Street and the stock market because it's had a really bad downturn lately. He doesn't want you to put any money into those. That kind of philosophy is a good way of killing the Golden Goose.

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