Democrats Saved or Created over 20 Congressional Jobs!

According to officials at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, their actions over the last several months ultimately saved or created over 20 Congressional Jobs. Democratic efforts mirrored their success in job creation in the economy at large, where Obama and Pelosi and Reid have bragged about saving or creating thousands of jobs through their policies.

“The margin we are beginning with is significantly lower than it might have been if the roof had been totally blown off and we hadn’t contained the damage,” said Representative Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, chairman of the campaign committee. It was unclear to me whether he was describing the logic and reasoning that led to his party losing over 60 seats in the House in the 2010 election or whether he was describing the logic and reasoning that led to the loss of over 8 million jobs since Democrats took over control of Congress in 2006.

Being from Michigan, I watched for 8 years as a liberal Democrat, Governor Granholm, destroyed Michigan's economy. The entire time that the economy went down, she kept blaming others- Engler and then Bush- while promising that if we just enacted more of her policies and ideas then things would improve. And her policies and ideas continued to damage our economy, stunt economic growth, chase away productive businesses, and choke off progress. The harder she worked and the more she did, the worse it got in Michigan, and the whole time she claimed credit for 'saving' or 'creating' a few jobs in targeted industries while the overall picture got drastically worse. And after the election of Democrats in 2006 to Congress and of Obama in 2008 to the Presidency, we're now seeing replicated at the national level exactly what we saw in Michigan- blame, hope, promises, targeted 'jobs' saved, overall job losses.

Democratic strategists might have saved or created over 20 Congressional jobs for liberal Democrats, and may have saved or created thousands of more jobs for government employees and public servants and community organizers, but the numbers overall don't lie- liberal policies don't work, whenever enacted, either at the state level (Michigan's lost decade, bankrupt states in California and New York, etc) or at the national level (European states, USA since liberal Democrats took control, USA under Jimmy Carter, etc).

And it's not because liberals are idiots, or fools, or bad people, or evil, or anything like that- it is because raising taxes, regulating businesses, redistributing wealth, punishing productivity, erratically changing laws, violating established customs, weakening national defense, and enabling enemies of the state shockingly don't improve things. They will achieve successes, but the overall picture will get worse whenever these policies are put in place.

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