Baptism by Fire ~ A Newbie’s ISTE ’11 Reflections, Part One « coal cracker classroom
@coolcatteacher @diigo @mmkrill @julielindsay @engaginged Thank you! Blogged: Baptism by Fire ~ ISTE Newbie reflections http://t.co/l4kigkk
eduflections: ISTE Insights from Troublemakers
New Post: ISTE Insights from Troublemakers http://bit.ly/iiN5FY #ISTE11 #edchat
Google+ tweaked to disable private-post sharing | Privacy Inc. - CNET News
It is good that if you have a private post on Google+ that it will not allow you to share it publicly.
Baptism by Fire ~ A Newbie’s ISTE ’11 Reflections, Part One « coal cracker classroom
I am so proud of my friend Suzie Nestico. Hear her journey in her words, but I wanted to share my comment here as it is a good follow up for my missing of iste last week.
Take the time to bless others. If I ever had to be out when I was a manager, I would have a staff person to sit in for me and have a chance to shine. Many people are afraid of others looking better than themselves. The fact is that none of us will be here forever and if we can pay forward kindness and leave a legacy of helping others then we've done something. We're not here to hoard we're here to bless and help. Suzie is a blessing and it was a joy to know that she did such a great job at ISTE. I'm proud of her.
"You did an incredible job. All credit goes to you for your wonderful work. One thing to remember is that when others put their faith in you - if they are the type who does an excellent job (as I long to be) then it is for a reason. I knew that you would do a great job. Your passion and energy is evident. You do a phenomenal job and you LOVE your students. You want to do what is right and you stand up for what is right. I respect you as a person and admire you as a teacher.
You deserve all the credit here.
Steve Farber wrote a great book called "Greater than Yourself" and he talks about helping find others and help them become greater than yourself. This is about leaving a legacy. I have found that those with the staying power are unselfish, helpful, and respectful and you are all of those things. I'd like to be that way too.
You have many things ahead of you that will be exciting. I hope you will always share and be transparent. You are a wonderful person and I count you as a dear friend. Pay forward the kindness.
This shows that even struggles can be used as blessings if we get our face out of our pillow long enough to think of others first. I'm glad that it could be used to bless you. It was tough missing out but to hear your words here, that makes it a little better.
I missed everyone at ISTE horribly. Every tweet was like a knife in some ways as I wanted to be there so badly. A few times I had to get offline and go run so I could get out the frustration, but it was all in God's hands and it turned out fine. You are wonderful. Keep up the great work." -
Rode the Wave and Buzzed the Tower: Now I am + for Ed
Been playing around with Google+ and see some promising privacy features (I can hide my family from being viewed and pick which circles can be shared. That is a plus - forgive the pun.)
Here, Ryan Bretag shares what he has learned about Google plus. -
The Dropbox Blog » Blog Archive » Changes to our policies (updated)
Dropbox changes their terms of service again. If you have files that need to be secure on dropbox. Use Truecrypt.
21st-Century Classroom Report: Preparing Students for the Future or the Past?
CDW classroom analysis reports finds that students still use technology more outside of class than in class. Only 39% of students say their high school is meeting their technology expectations. It is sad that 73% of faculty say digital content is ESSENTIAL for the 21st-century classroom but only 11% of districts are using it.
6 Q’S ABOUT THE NEWS - The Learning Network Blog - NYTimes.com
Love the 6 questions about the news from the New York Times. Some great resources here.
The Learning Network - The Learning Network Blog - NYTimes.com
The New York Times has a learning network with all types of videos to share. Lesson plans, student opinions, film festivals, and a student reading contest for the month of July.
ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard for iPad on the iTunes App Store
Hook your ipad up to your projector and it becomes a personal whiteboard. IWB's are they as useful?
This program in Atlanta's purpose is to:
nurture and encourage the spirits of those who love to learn, to connect learners across disciplines and settings, and to deepen the national conversation about education by enabling parents, students, and educators to share stories of what they are learning every day. -
Canadian physics teacher Peter Vogel heads to CERN. It is great when a person who shares in social media spaces (@petervogel) and is giving to others is recognized in this way! I think Peter is one to watch and he'll make the most of his opportunity. Stay tuned.
Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 07/03/2011
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