Graph: U.S. Foreclosure Rates, Colored-Coded by Party in Power

As a homeowner, it has been distressing to watch the federal government put in place policies that encourage homeowners to walk away from their homes and leave the banks holding on to toxic assets. In my opinion, the federal government and its policies are responsibly for the foreclosure mess in our nation. That being said, which political party deserves the brunt of the blame for the foreclosure mess in our nation in 2011? I put together a little graph and color coded it to indicate who I think bears responsibility for the foreclosures that happened while this group was in charge of many of the laws that would affect foreclosures.

My read of the graph is that the introduction of the variable of 'Democrat' in 2006 caused the situation to worsen, the bad situation was made worse by the election of Democratic President Obama, and it is still too soon to tell what sort of effect the GOP taking back 1/2 of Congress has had on the situation. Here is the graph- what is your read of it?

Who Bears the Responsibility for the Crisis in US Foreclosures?
By A Conservative Teacher,

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