Academic Earth

Have you ever:
  • wanted to show your students what a college-like lecture class is like?
  • wanted "a break" from explaining a certain subject?
  • wondered how a college professor would explain your topic to the class?
  • taught and re-taught a subject, only to have a student who just couldn't understand what you were talking about? And you wanted someone else to teach that student the concept because obviously, you weren't getting the job done?
I might have a solution for you.

Academic Earth is an educational website that hosts a videos from college professors over a variety of subjects. I have to admit that there aren't that many videos yet, but if my class was doing a study over, say, Dante's Inferno, this video could be a wonderful addition to my class:

Watch it on Academic Earth

Math teachers, you aren't left out! There are about 25 videos over mathematics. Maybe you (and your class) could benefit from one of them! What about the geometry of linear equations?

Watch it on Academic Earth

I love that anyone can view these videos, that you don't have to register to use the site, and that everything I've seen so far is free!

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