Sarah Palin for Secretary of Energy

Sarah Palin is not running for President, nor should she- she has a thin resume, has represented very few people, has little executive experience, is not electable in a general election, and has a sometimes shaky grasp of complicated policies. Don't misunderstand me though- I like Sarah Palin- it isn't her fault few people live in Alaska, her unfavorable numbers are mostly the result of a deplorable media campaign to smear her, and every year she is demonstrating more knowledge of important policies. But there are better choices out there for President right now for the Republican Party- Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

This does not mean though that Sarah Palin doesn't matter- quite the contrary, she has a large and devoted following, she has a knack for phrases and sayings that we common people can relate to, and in the coming 2012 election she will be a force to reckon with. But after 2012 is when I really think we'll be able to really see the future of Sarah Palin, when she is appointed as Secretary of Energy for the new GOP President.

Democrat President Barack Obama decided after he became President to surround himself with weak talent and people would would not outshine his brilliance, but the new Republican President won't likely make this mistake, and instead will stock his cabinet with talent to cultivate so that in 2020 the GOP will have a new generation of leaders that will blow the current generation of place-holders out of the way. Sarah Palin is one of this next generation.

Sarah Palin has extensive experience in energy policy already, and a reputation of being a fair and shrewd policy maker in this area. She is only 47, and after being Secretary of Energy for 8 years and putting in place policies that encourage drilling, nuclear power, and pro-growth energy, she will be one of the key reasons why America will have recovered from the malaise that marked the Obama years. At 55, she could run for President then, or even wait more and run in 2024, combining her energy and drive and common sense with an extensive resume of policy implementation and leadership of a major cabinet level position.

Sarah Palin for Secretary of Energy!

UPDATE: Rather than get into a war of words with my readers, whom I really do treasure for coming to my site, I thought it might be helpful to remind everyone of how great Palin could be:

UPDATE II: Turns out that I am no dummy- via Memeorandum I see from ABC News that Sarah Palin announced for a fact that she is not running for President in 2012, just like I wrote above, counter to much media speculation.

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