Teacher's Notebook

Although I had heard of Teacher's Notebook before, I had only visited it once or twice, and I certainly did not think of listing my products there.

This past weekend, however, I was looking through the posts in the Secret Facebook Training Room for Teaching Blog Traffic School members, and I saw a post from our fearless leader, Charity Preston, who mentioned a giveaway that the owners of Teacher's Notebook (Steve and Debbie) were running in the newest issue of the TN newsletter. The giveaway was for 25 free Teacher's Notebook shops (they are normally a one-time set-up fee of $20, I think) and would go to the first 25 teachers who e-mailed Teacher's Notebook to request one.

I saw this post almost a day after it had been written, so I thought there was no way Steve and Debbie hadn't already found their 25 winners, but I decided to give it a try.

Incredibly, I received an e-mail about 10 minutes after I'd sent it, telling me I'd won one of the 25 free shops! YIPPEE for me! (I never win anything, so I was unusually excited about this, I admit.)

It took me awhile to set up my shop (and I still have quite a ways to go because I'm a perfectionist and I have a lot of products to post), but it was so very easy! A great perk to Teacher's Notebook is that it is the only online venue I know of that allows teachers to keep 100% of their profits! I think that is super-cool and generous of Steve and Debbie, and I know I will be jumping over the moon when I finally make my first sale there.

If you'd like to check out my store, click on the picture below:

If you explore Teacher's Notebook and like what you see, please consider joining! I know that we teachers don't create original products in order to make money; we create original products in order to give our students the best learning experience in our classroom that we possibly can. Teachers around the world are scrambling to make their own products, too. I see posting your materials as a win-win situation: other teachers can use your hard work to help them NOT have to re-invent the wheel in their own classroom, and you can make an extra buck (or not, if you decide to post only free products). If I'm going to pay for educational materials, I personally prefer to purchase them from a fellow teacher. I like the confidence that comes from purchasing a product that I know another teacher has used successfully in his/her classroom. I also like contributing to other educator's wallets when I can. I know none of us went into the profession because of the money, but it is nice to be recognized and compensated for your hard work!

If you decide to join Teacher's Notebook as a seller, please consider using my referral link. I get reward points (toward gift cards that I can use to purchase classroom materials!) for every person who uses my referral link and posts at least 5 products. :) Click the picture below to join via my referral link:

I'm going to use some of my own fancy technology to ask a couple questions at the end of this post (QuizSnack!), but I'd love to know your thoughts on Teacher's Notebook (or similar teacher-resource websites) and/or the link to your store!

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