The Horror of Disbelieving in Global Warming

Many people think that teachers foster critical thinking skills, open minds, and helps students to understand many diverse viewpoints. But most do not, because teachers themselves, raised by a liberal education and liberal unions, do not critically examine arguments, have an open mind on new subjects, and try to understand diverse worldviews. Oh, I know a couple do- there are a lot of good teachers out there that do this. But most (51% or greater) do not, especially in the high schools and colleges in the nation.

Today in a staff meeting, the teachers at my school were supposed to be talking about how we can use data about our students and their learning to increase their mastery of the subject material. Instead, the conversation soon drifted to the teaching of global warming. I think the reason the conversation went that way was because the educational standard the state put out, or because they felt that this sort of knowledge couldn't be measured by standardized tests, or that the projects that were done for this sort of class didn't translate into data. Regardless, suddenly I found myself and my views about global warming being openly mocked by a group of professional educators.

For a while, I held my tongue while myths were peddled and recycled by teachers- that global warming is happening, that there is no debate about it, that it is man-made, that it is bad, that government is the solution, that an all powerful government is the only solution, that markets/capitalism/business is evil and causing global warming, that people are not responsible enough to deal with it, and that personal choices and freedom are a luxury that we can't have in the face of this crisis.

For a while, I held my tongue- then couldn't any more, and destroyed each argument clinically, piece-by-piece, using logic and data to the stunned horror of my colleagues. Yes, horror- they were shocked that anyone could believe in anything other than the myth, they were shocked that I denied their religion, and they were shocked that I somehow was in a position to mold young children's minds. How did a person like ever get a degree in education, they wondered.

There was almost no thinking about my arguments- when they started on this thought, they quickly stopped, perhaps realizing the fallacy of their views, and retreated behind the comforts of mocking me, teasing me, ridiculing me, and finally ignoring me. Oh, it was done nicely, in a professional way- a little snide comment there, a giggle there, a subtle ignoring of my comments and arguments- but it demonstrated to me once again that teachers have very closed minds on the sacred subjects of the left, that teachers do not think critically about their pagan religion, and that teachers are not welcoming to a diversity of thought on issues.

And in the end, it is I who was horrified once again that they are molding young minds.

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