The Liberal Bias of Government Mandated Tests

A friend of mine does some work for the Michigan Department of Education, and he let me know what some of the questions on the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) are about. Now, I'm not going to tell you what the questions actually ask or what standard or information is being tested, but I think it's okay to tell you the general liberal thrust of the questions that your taxpayer money is paid to write.

There are several questions about why Wal-Mart is bad written in the guise of economics questions. The questions pretend to ask questions about economic principles that students are supposed to learn, but the correct answer to every question is 'Wal-Mart is evil.' Since students are usually taught this instead of economics principles, I guess it's okay for them, but I think that these types of questions are wrong to put on this state-mandated test. Besides, Wal-Mart isn't as bad as it is made out- see my earlier post Undercover at Wal-Mart.

It's surprising how economic questions rarely ask about supply and demand, and yet there are several questions on saving gas and helping the environment disguised as 'supply and demand' questions. Seriously, the correct answer to several questions on the MME test is 'save the environment, drive green cars, save gas, and vote Democrat' (okay, I added that last part). Although saving gas might be good for the environment, are these concepts really fundamental to education in Michigan? Never mind, they probably are- my students can repeat the liturgy of global warming to me, but know few economic concepts.

Oh, and for those of you who believe in a religion other than global warming- according to the state-mandated, taxpayer funded MME test, you are a barrier to progress. Yes, several questions on world history can be answered with the correct answer of 'church is barrier to progress.' I guess that's not exactly wrong- conservative values have been standing in the way of Progressivism for many years, fighting to make sure that the values of men are protected and respected and we don't progress to a tyrannical inhuman society. Still, I hope students aren't being taught that the church is bad- I know schools have interpreted the 1st amendment to mean they can't talk about religion, but I hope they haven't interpreted the 1st amendment to mean that they can't talk about religion in a good way.

Just thought some of you would be interested in what the state is producing. Imagine all the great things it will produce now that it has forcibly appropriated massive amounts of your property in the form of a 'stimulus bill.'

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