Obama Isn't Palpatine- Who is really calling the shots?

Over at the Khaki Elephant, the question is asked- Who is the President?

Those of us who didn't follow the kool-aid drinking Obots into their mindless worship of Barack Obama were always stunned by the difference between the Barack Obama who delivered scripted speeches and the one who answered unrehearsed questions (like the one delivered by Joe the plumber). It was as if they were two different guys. Well , now that he is President he can no longer hide behind scripts and 3 days into his presidency we are already seeing signs that have me wondering if there are men behind the curtain directing a charismatic guy who may just be a figurehead for the radical left.

Recently Barack Obama, or whoever is leading this country, displayed his (or their) priorities by signing an executive order to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility within a year . . . admitting during the announcement that they are doing so without yet having a plan concerning what to do with the detainees. But what I found most interesting is that this was supposed to be an executive order from the President, Barack Obama, but, as seen on video, you'll find that "the President" doesn't really seem to understand his own executive orders. Not only does he stutter and "uh" his way through his explanations, but he has to call out to the off-camera Greg several times to explain what he is actually signing. Now that's something I've never seen before. And democrats spent years claiming that George W. Bush was just a figurehead for a government run by Dick Cheney?

I agree- who exactly is calling the shots in this mockery of a Presidency? Say what you like about Bush, Clinton, Carter, or Reagan- the truth of the matter is that at least we knew what we were getting with these people- at least we knew that they were real people who were making the decisions. Voters have elected an empty suit, who speaks in wonderful empty words that say nothing, and has no friends, a history that is hidden, and mysterious campaign donors. Obama is no Palpatine- who exactly is pulling the strings

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