ACORN Helping Count 'Americans' For Obama Census Department

In my post 200,000+ non-existent Detroiters registered to vote I said "our nation should go after" ACORN and "crack down on them and limit their influence in our society for the good of our nation"- sadly, the Obama administration is going another direction- instead of limiting the influence of this group because of their perpetuating of fraud and breaking of election laws, they are instead going to be put in charge of the US Census.

Via The Khaki Elephant comes this little blurb about how ACORN (a group responsible for some of the worst voter fraud in American history) has been tasked by the federal government (Obama) to assist with the official U.S. Census, thus employing a politically partisan and corrupt arm of the current administration to assist with the formerly neutral but critical job of counting people to allocate funds and representation.

Here is the report that Fox News put together on this:

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