Shorter Version of DHS Report- Fear Bitter Gun-Clinging Christians

Many people are writing and talking about that DHS report (I wrote about it in Tea Partiers- Homeland Security Views You As a Threat), but via The Corner on National Review comes the best comment:

That DHS report warning about all manner of "right-wing extremists" could be considerably shortened if it simply alerted law-enforcement officials to be on the lookout for people from "small towns (who are) bitter (and) cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment."
UPDATE: If you want to see some more coverage of the DHS report, check out the analysis and comments at Hot Air- as they say there, the report is "every bit as bad as reported" and that "the DHS fails to provide any specifics at all (no actual data whatsoever), preferring instead to smear half of the country or more as kooks for criticizing the government’s handling of the economy."

UPDATE II: My brother forwarded me this story- this DHS report has real teeth to it and is not just something to laugh off as right wing extremist paranoia- apparently a report from a government agency ordering law enforcement officials to do something is real (surprise). In Iowa, the National Guard is now training to combat right wing extremist gun dealers, conducting exercises where our military goes door-to-door looking for guns. See the story yourself by clicking here.

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