Welcome Back Carter

Via theblogprof, who always has great stuff:

So, if Obama is like Carter (and he is), what can we expect? High gas prices? Emboldened enemies? Allies in trouble? Inflation? Low growth? Rise in civil conflicts (race or sexuality)? Rise in crime? Rise in debt? I think all of these are coming- I'm sorry if that doesn't sound cheerful. There is good news though- after Jimmy Carter defeated the moderate Republicans, we responded by electing Reagan. I know we can't expect that again, but after the smashing the moderates took last election, maybe we indeed will go back to our roots and elect a good conservative. I suggest a former Governor in 2012, someone who lost his primary like Reagan did in '76, but someone who is educated and knowledgeable enough to lead us forward as a nation after the disastrous Obama years- I suggest we keep the Carter/Reagan analogy going by choosing Romney to run against Obama in '12.

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