Democrat Congressman Peters Still Employing Thugs to Harass and Stalk His Opponents

Recently I went to another townhall for Rocky Raczkowski, who is running for U.S. Congress in Michigan’s 9th District, and while I was there, I noticed that Rocky was again was being stalked by this Paul fellow! Let me take you back to an earlier post that I had written, called Representative Gary Peters Up to Same Old Tactics, where I wrote:

Congressman Peters hasn't changed tactics- he still intends to defeat his opponent by systematically harassing them, building up dirt on them, attacking them, and lying about himself. Today at a Tax Day Tea Party in Royal Oak, Michigan, Gary Peters had one of his staff there to harass Rocky Raczkowski, his likely opponent in the upcoming Congressional election in Michigan's 9th District. His staff member stood around the entire time, hovering about 3 or 4 feet from Rocky for about two hours, filming him. He didn't talk to anyone, didn't seem that interested to be there, and rudely tried to butt his way into every conversation, zooming in on people and attempting to capture as much video and audio as possible. Was this staffer's goal to learn more about Rocky? Document his campaign for a future movie? Nope- Gary Peters sent this guy down there to simply hang around and try to catch something that Rocky said that could be taken out of context and used against him in the campaign. The guy said his name was 'Paul' and that he worked for Gary Peters staff. Gary Peters intends to dirty up this coming election. I hope voters know this and throw the bum out.
To me, this type of political campaigning is the bottom-of-the-barrel type stuff that people who can't win an election on their own merits employ to try to win a dirty election, and is the kind of campaigning that should be beneath an incumbent Congressman like Gary Peters- but it apparently it isn't, as Gary Peters has lowered himself to the lowest levels in order to get elected and now get re-elected.

Oh, and this wasn't just some one-time trick that Gary Peters employed- nope, he has decided to employ Paul full time to stalk Rocky at every event that he has. That seems like a lot of resources to set aside for the this task, but Peters has decided that he will pay people to stalk his opponents and harass them rather than actually be a good representative. Peters should take the money that he is paying to this Paul fellow to stalk Rocky full-time and instead pay someone to write non-canned responses to constituents, or work on gathering more research for legislation, or work on doing anything productive- but he doesn't, because Peters isn't about making America better, he is about winning power and controlling others through taxation and regulation.

It is sad and disgusting that Congressman Peters has someone follow his opponents around harassing them at townhalls, when Congressman Peters himself refuses to hold any townhalls (except the one sham of a townhall last year that was packed by SEIU members- see my post Report from Peters Townhall Sept 09 for more information), doesn't open his office to visitors (in fact, he had his thugs chase people away from his office and barred the parking lot the last time he visited his district), and sends canned formed letters in response to any constituent mail.

On a related note, I'm getting closer to figuring out who this Paul fellow is. Keep in mind that it really isn't his fault- he is just the hired goon who Gary Peters, his employer, has decided to use to harass and stalk Rocky Raczkowski, his likely opponent in the coming election. But I don't really know who he is yet- he only gives his name as 'Paul', with no last name and no connections to any campaign, almost as if he knows what he is doing is wrong and is ashamed by it, but is doing it anyways because his boss (Gary Peters) ordered him to do it. I've got it narrowed down to one of two 'Paul' possibilities.

Possibility one is that he is Paul Turner, Congressional District Liaison to Gary Peters, (phone #248-273-4227). A friend of mine asked 'Paul' if she could help out Gary Peters and do similar things to harass Rockey, and this 'Paul' fellow gave her a business card with Paul Turner's information on it.  According to Legistorm, Paul Turner is paid about 30K by Gary Peters do to something in the district- one could imagine that his job duties could include stalking and harassing.

The other possibility is that 'Paul' is Paul Spurgeon, from Royal Oak, MI. My main evidence of this is that there is a Paul Spurgeon on facebook who has a picture that looks very similar to the pictures that I have of 'Paul.' It's restricted, but you get on it and try to confirm for me if this 'Paul' who Gary Peters employs to stalk and harass his opponents is in fact Paul Spurgeon from Royal Oak, MI. If you need help in identifying him, here is a picture I took from the latest Rocky townhall event that I went to.  Good luck!

Oh, and it costs money to fight back against dirty-handed tactics like Congressman Gary Peters is employing in his slimy attempt to hold on to his power. Please be sure to visit Rocky for Congress and make a donation to Rocky so he can continue to fight back against this type of stuff.

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