Sketching Journalism

Bombastic Elements asks "Can You Sketch Journalism?":

Tailor at work and fabrics/ by George Butler
When it comes to sound byte punditry, parachute-in reporting, and most of the sensational photojournalism associated with the "dark" continent, the devil isn't so much in the missing details as in the missing context(s) - Scarlett Lion has a good example. Mind you, this is not context to make the bad look good; rather context to show the bad is not all there is. The fact that a sketch renders a reality trapped in a duration as opposed to one captured in an instant, implies the guarantee that the representation, for me at least, will contain added context; at least as much context as the reality being depicted can get across in the time and effort it takes the artist to absorb it, lose much of it, doubt what to emphasize, ponder what to leave out, reevaluate prior decisions and assumptions, solve problems of scale, perspective, symmetry and so on.
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