Unknown Government Agency Shuts Down 70K Blogs for Unknown Reason

Via Doug Ross, on Moonbattery today I discovered that, a little-known WordPress platform used by more than 70,000 blogs, was shut down by its Web hosting company more than a week ago and nobody seems willing to say why or who is responsible. Apparently some sort of law enforcement agency, which no one seems willing to disclose, shut down the blogs for unknown reasons. Usually a move like this would be because of copyright violations, but the operator of blogetery says that he didn't allow copyright violations and also usually there is some warning for moves like this. That makes it a suspicious and curious move.

Apparently the shutdown was inflicted without a court order. This doesn't shock me- increasingly our society is falling into tyranny where the rule of law does not matter as much as the rule of men. As a blog that fights this slide and works to return man to his life, liberty, and property rights, I can expect that someday some unknown government agency will likely shut me down. I can only hope that before they do that I've planted again the seeds of liberty and freedom that will grow up another tree of liberty.

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