Obama Demands Movie Screening

Continuing the theme that that Obama is turning America into a dictatorship (see posts Who is Ed Montgomery?, What sort of a Judge do you want?, Congress Threatens College Football- Playoff System or Else Our Thugs Will Get You), I read today that POLITICO is hearing from several sources that the President has demanded that private movie company Paramount Pictures give him his own personal screening of the new "Star Trek" film in the White House. How cute. The MSM has reacted predictably to this tyrannically request by churning out such drivel as “Obama Is Spock: It’s Quite Logical” (Salon), and there’s even an Obama “Spock” action figure coming out.

Before we clap our hands together in happy glee, let's think about what is happening here in this free country. The President of the United States is a man who is elected to do a job- execute the laws of our elected Congress. He is simply a man. He is not a King, and should not be treated as such- he should wait in line like everyone else. In fact, if he was a humble man who was grateful for the chance that God gave him with, he would welcome the chance to be humble, and much like George Washington, would seek ways to limit attempts to make him more than a man.

But Obama is not like Washington, and is not a humble person, and does not think he is the same as you. Obama thinks he is better than you. He thinks that you, yes you, the reader of this blog, is a piece of scum. He thinks you are unintelligent, uninformed, and the job you do is unimportant. He thinks he is better than you, and he sneers at you from his high and mighty position as King of America. And he reveals this attitude all the time- ordering college football to change to a playoff system to confine to his wishes, supporting judges who agree with him personally instead of judges who support rule of law, and appointing roving dictators who now wander around our empire distributing favors from our god-like King. And now this.

It might be petty, it might be silly, but Obama should wait in line like everyone else to watch the new Star Trek movie. In fact, he should go to the movie theatre, wait in line, pay from his own pocket for over-priced popcorn, and sit behind some person who sits on their knees and crinkles a loud candy wrapper all movie long. He should have the same experience as everyone else in watching this movie at the theatre- the people talking on the phone, the sticky floor, the people walking in late and asking him to move- that's America. This isn't Russia, and this isn't aristocratic France- he isn't the king of this nation, when he can order private companies to build him his own palace theatre and then screen movies for him. I know I'm going overboard, but darn it- this is America!

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