Random Pieces of Unwisdom

Survey says- Raise taxes on wealthy! Yep, according to the Detroit News, the wise voters of Michigan, who have correctly decided to change the good times into bad ones by choosing Granholm and Obama, think that the best way to make the economy more prosperous is to hold a gun to rich people's head and demand money from them. After shaking down rich people for more change, voters will wonder why no one is investing any money or buying products, proving that sometimes, it is unwise to let liberals have political power.

Next piece of unwisdom- what do you do if you are a Democrat and restaurants and bars in Michigan are hurting, losing customers and going out of business? The same thing you do when car companies are in trouble- you hammer them even more with more regulations and fees! The Michigan House today voted to make it illegal to smoke in privately owned eating establishments, feeling that it is better to pay hundreds of government workers to walk around fining and arresting people for choosing to allow patrons in their business to choose whether or not to smoke than to have to smell smoke in a restaurant they choose to go to. Yep, that'll make things better- good call Democrats in Michigan House.

Not sure if you heard this next bit of news- it is being kept pretty quite and is getting lost in all the conversation about Sotomayor's judicial history and decisions- but Sotomayor would be Supreme Court's first Hispanic! I think she is a women too, although I haven't heard anything about that yet. For some reason I thought Alito was a Hispanic, but it turns out he was of Italian ancestry, which isn't even close. What ancestry was Roberts? Looking back, no one mentioned the racial/ethnic views of these candidates, and yet that is all liberals/Democrats talk about. Weird how obsessed they are about race- it is almost as if they judge people not based on the quality of their character, but by the color of their skin. Not wise.

Lastly, I have it from good authority (the Uncyclopedia) that Ted Kennedy once tried to invent the alcohol-fueled amphibious car with then-lover Mary Jo Kopechne, resulting in the drowning of Kopechne and the intoxication of Ted Kennedy. See the picture to the right? Not wise. He'll probably vote to confirm Sotomayor, supports outlawing smoking, and also supports raising taxes on the rich, thereby tying together this entire random post.

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