As you look around and wonder 'what happened', I think I may be able to offer some answers. For a long time, America prospered- we grew from a small group of states huddled on the Atlantic seaboard to a sprawling nation of unrivaled power and riches. And in this time of plenty, we began to forget how we got here.
For it is when America reached from shining sea to shining sea, and became very prosperous, and people began to build finer and finer homes, and food grew richer and plentiful, and our banking reserve grew great, we became proud as a nation and forgot our roots. Today, an entire party, the party currently in power of our nation, is proud of having forgotten the roots of our nation.
It was our Founding Fathers who led the patriots of our great nation in a revolt against the most powerful nation in the world and somehow won. It was those great men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and our first state constitutions, establishing truly great principles on which to build our nation. Read your history books- America is the only nation that had a revolution so amazingly successful.
It was our Framers who led our nation through those first years, who set in place the traditions, rules, and governments that would lead our nation to greatness. They wrote the Constitution and they set down the foundations for our branches of government.
The first several generations here in America worked hard- and I mean really worked hard. They saved, they scrimped, they fought, and they toiled. Until you do some family research, you do not understand how hard our ancestors had it, to build America from scattered farms hugging the ocean to a nation of railroads and airlines spanning a continent. Even our grandfathers and grandmothers worked hard and fought for every inch of success.
They did this so that you and I could be happy, successful, and grow up in a better world. They did this so that we would be rich and powerful. And we forgot them. We turned our backs on them. We ignored their words of advice. And now we pretend that we are better than them, that we know more than them, that we are smarter than our ancestors and Founding Fathers. We are filled with pride as a nation.
We have forgotten how we got here, and many have decided to follow other ideas, other philosophies, and to go down paths that we were not supposed to go down. This change is for the best, they cry as they lead us in worship of false gods and ideals.
This is why we are where we are today.
Inspired by Deuteronomy 8, lines 11-20.
Explaining What Happened in a Spiritual Way
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